Chapter Four: March 5th, 1876, Somewhere Within the Smokey Mountains

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Elu woke to the sounds of a critter scurrying about just outside of the cave wherein she slept the night prior, yawning as she sat up and stretched her arms overhead, which she did every new dawn. She smirked as the animals outside grew louder, the sounds of which she was sure was a fight over some nuts or a high branch in a tree neither desired to share. She turned to greet her companion with a bright smile that fell the moment she found empty, cold, hard ground.

Leaping to her feet, Elu pivoted in place, peering around the cave and feeling a chill run along a usually more heavy, compact place. Lifting her wool wrapping, she realized her money pouch was gone and felt all along her body as her terror rose. Running out of the cave and grinding to a stuttered halt, she scanned the area, peering through the dense forestry and over the many boulders around the small clearing just before the cave. There was no one in sight and Elu fell to her knees, abandoned for the third time in her life, but quickly determined it to be the last as she spotted Bethany's tracks venturing into the part of the mountains they had already traveled, due west. They were headed in the direction of an area Elu hadn't previously explored as much since her days away, only giving her more strife.

Jumping back up onto her feet and dashing into the cave, she gathered what little belongings she had left, spotting some of the yarrow Bethany retrieved sat beside the ashes of last night's fire. She added it to her rucksack and slung its strap over her shoulder, then placed her quiver there as well with its leather band across her chest. Remembering the new bow she was able to make yesterday while she and Bethany rested, Elu snatched it from the ground and ran back outside just as a familiar sound soared through the air. It was coming from the opposite direction to Bethany's tracks and she found herself grunting in exasperation. To what length would Bethany go to remain alone in the world?

Her feet moving faster than an elk, Elu projected herself toward the source, praying she would arrive in time, but imagining the worst as a thought pervaded her mind. Why did she leave me?

* * *

Beth felt her legs growing heavier with each slowed trod as her guilt grew to insurmountable heights and sighed into the sky as she finally stopped. Since leaving just after dawn, she'd been traveling west, hoping to run into a town sooner or later. Although, she hadn't gotten far. It wasn't due to a lack of know-how of a terrain much like that of Qualla, nor the wherewithal to provide for herself now that she'd become a thief, even though that was definitely in her mind that slowed her. It was the remorse in lying to the one person who'd been on her side since she could recall.

Elu would most likely be awake by now and would soon find she was gone, venturing out on her own early enough to gain at least some ground on her. She must have been beside herself with worry and would try to track her down, no doubt, but it would be folly. Beth had placed false tracks leading away in the opposing direction and knowing Elu was as quick to action as ever, she surmised she would take them, only to grow saddened once she realized their purpose.

Imagining the scenario, Beth felt a pained sensation along her breastbone that seemed to travel to her gut and she glanced back over her shoulder. Perhaps Elu hadn't gone far or was smart enough to ignore the false tracks? If the former were true, would it take Beth long to go back? Completely turning around, she ground her teeth as she thought of her options, yet before she could make a single decision, she heard the cracking of branches underfoot behind herself.

She felt the fine hairs on the back of her neck rise as she spun around and found a man standing in the light shone down through the treetops. He just stood there, staring at her with such an impassive gaze, and Beth suddenly felt the need to run. Pivoting once more, she turned, but spotted another man several feet away with a loud yelp that echoed the area, yet registered he was sporting a wide grin that was somehow familiar as he moved in her direction.

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