Chapter Fourteen: March 22nd, 1876, Ponchatoula, Louisiana

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Bethany and Elu, along with the Foret Posse, had been traveling together for the better part of a day and just crossed into southern Louisiana late last night. Bethany sat in the window sill watching the birds flying around just outside as soon as they made it to Louisiana, snacking on the chocolates bought for her in Madisonville. They were now stopped in a small area called Ponchatoula where the reconstruction of the railway slowed their progression toward Frenier, a port town for moving goods, but remained within the train due to it only being a shortstop and the place of two recent lynchings.

Elu watched Bethany pop a chocolate morsel into her mouth and stood, walking over to her and catching her wrist before she could eat another.

Blinking several times as she stared at her, Bethany sheepishly asked, "What...?"

Elu took the morsel and popped it inside her mouth, rolling it around for a moment before swallowing. Nothing happened and she sniffed the bag the rest were held in within Bethany's palm. There was no hint of poisons in its taste or scent, but one could never be too careful with the fact that Sadie had gifted them to her. What if she poisoned only one of the chocolates and all it would take was the time for her to find it?

"Elu, what are you doing?"

She finally snapped her head up and released Bethany's wrist. "Just... I just needed to check."

"They are not going to kill me here." Bethany pat her shoulder with a sweet grin, then went back to eating her candies. Her smile never dropped with her next sentences, yet it only set a deep apprehension in Elu's gut. "If they try, it will be in New Orleans where my father can see. I will be alright."

"Do you think you should be biding your time so easily?" At this, Bethany froze with a morsel hovering just outside of her mouth, and then jerked her head back. She swallowed, then opened her mouth to argue with her, of that Elu was certain, but she wasn't going to get into another tiff with her. Not when she felt at her boiling point. She turned away and walked to the door. "I'm going to check they are not causing any problems elsewhere. Please, stay here."

"You know, I want to protect you just as much as you desire to guard me, Elu." She halted, then pivoted around as Bethany sent her a rather judgmental gaze and placed a hand along her chest. "I'm not an invalid and now that I have a weapon, I will be able to--"

"You think a knife will stop six people at once?" Elu marched on her and she dropped her candy, sending it scattering along the floor. She stopped and flinched back, thinking better of her actions and avoiding close proximity to her at all costs. "Just stay put."

"Do you not recall me saving your life not even a week ago? Give me a little credit, Elu." Bethany walked closer and revealed her new dirk at her side, concealed in a pouch on her hip. Unlike Sadie and her sweets, Elu had gotten Bethany something more practical, but she hadn't expected her to be so taken with it. "I am not without arms and remember everything you taught me. Please, think of that before you treat me like a child. I know I am a few years younger than you, but that doesn't mean I deserve to be treated so brashly. Now, I'm coming with you."

Elu spun around and pulled out a pair of shackles from her rucksack on the floor. She turned back around just as Bethany tried to brush past her toward the door with her hand extended. She caught her wrist with one loop of the shackles, locking it there. As Bethany finally registered what was happening, she gasped and Elu pushed her back, fixing the other lock around one of the bed posts.

Bethany grumbled as she shook her arm and tried to break free. "Elu! What are you doing? I just told you, I am not--"

"A child. Yes, I know, but I cannot in good conscience leave you alone to go exploring on your own, nor can I have you following me if I want to get more out of Junior." Elu grimaced as Bethany pulled on the shackles and fussed under her breath. "I'm sorry."

Chased Distance: A Novella (WLW) Where stories live. Discover now