Chapter Twenty-One: March 28th, 1876, Donaldsonville, Louisiana

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!!!This chapter contains dark themes!!!

Elu steered her mare around the corner and felt Bethany tighten her hold around her waist as they tilted to the side. She straightened herself as best as she could and snapped the reins, whipped back and forth with every steady gallop. Bethany's head came up to her shoulder and she let go with one arm, pointing ahead. There at the end of the alley ran Matthew, holding his leg and struggling to get away. They drew nearer, but couldn't make it any further as a lawman stepped into the road, blocking their way.

As Elu pulled back on the reins and Bethany replaced her arm, tightening her hold, the man in uniform held out his hand. "Stop this at once! Under article--"

"Sorry, kid, but we ain't got the time." Russel planted his foot on the young man's chest and shoved him out of the path, then squeezed his legs along his horse. "Yah!"

"I will get back up and you will be caught for assaulting an officer of the law!" The man persisted and Elu watched him struggling to pull himself free from the garbage he'd landed into as they darted by.

Russel ignored him and Elu followed suit, but was confused by why he was even there. Didn't he hate his children? He treated them as if they were a burden, rather than the gift children, any loved ones, so definitely were.

Putting the thought to the back of her mind for the time being, Elu clicked her tongue and followed him out of the alley. They galloped out onto the waterfront along the Mississippi River bearing merchants and pedestrians going about their business, none the wiser to the impending detriment to their safety. Many worked to get goods onto the merchant ships carrying them up and down the river and Elu noticed Matthew climbing up the ramp onto one of the shipping barges.

"There!" She directed her horse closer, then stopped and saw Russel do the same out of the corner of her eye.

Matthew made it onboard, then stopped and turned around, searching the crowd. As he saw them, he smiled and someone else joined him. It was his father, Foret Senior. Elu hopped down from her mare and tied the reins along a nearby post as the others got down as well. She held her hands up for Bethany, helped her down and handed her the dirk that rested in her boot. Russel stepped forward, fury etching his every feature, and took off his jacket.

He had a shoulder holster carrying two revolvers and quickly tied his hair atop his head in a bun. "Stay here. This is a fight between myself and Foret."

"Wait!" Elu stepped in front of him, blocking his path. "I know you want to kill him, probably just as badly as myself, but we need to be smart. They are baiting you and you cannot go alone. If you do, this may never end."

He stared at her for several silent moments through narrowed eyes that appeared like ice and turned her rigid, then finally nodded. As they all walked to the barge, Elu felt Bethany take her hand and they shared a glance. She found worry drenching her face and gave her hand a few affirming squeezes with the nod of her head.

"Together." Elu stated and Bethany gave her hand a squeeze back as her features slowly, but surely grew more determined.

Once they were on the ramp, several men came to the edge of the floating structure, aiming their rifles at them over its waist high railing. Those in the area scattered in every direction, some even fleeing from the boat into the water, but they all remained still on the ramp. Russel stepped forward, holding out an arm for them to fall behind and Elu took a long breath, readying herself for what may come next.

"Good to finally see you again, brother." Foret Senior stated rather smugly. "What has it been? Twenty years?"

"Twenty-two and you will never get the money. You must know that by now."

Chased Distance: A Novella (WLW) Where stories live. Discover now