Chapter Nineteen: March 27th, 1876, Donaldsonville, Louisiana

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!!!This chapter contains mature themes!!!

Elu entered the room she shared with Bethany, startling her enough to make her jump in the chair she'd moved to the balcony late into the evening yesterday. Last night, Elu noticed how little Bethany was sleeping and knew she wouldn't last their upcoming trek up north if she didn't get some rest. She stood and turned toward the railing. Walking to her with some chamomile tea, Elu rubbed her shoulder against Bethany's once she was at her side. She was now leaning over the balcony banister, staring out over the busy city streets as many carriages bearing their passengers and horses went by. Giggling carried up to their floor while the children of the women within the brothel played on the porch just below.

As their bubbly sounds billowed up toward them, Elu couldn't fight her automatic smile, but dropped it when she realized Bethany was still frowning into the distance. She'd noticed this behavior was more frequent over the last few days, fearful of the worst, but knowledgeable of how chaotic her life must have felt. Elu draped her free arm around her shoulders, finally retaining her attention, and smiled as she met her eyes.

"What are you thinking about so quietly, pretty girl?" She kissed Bethany's forehead and rubbed her lips there as she spoke. "Tell me how I can help. Please."

Bethany jerked back and sighed as she shook her head, then walked back into the room. "We shouldn't do that on the balcony. People might see. There is nothing to help, Elu. I'm sorry, but there is just nothing to do. I cannot just let it go and--"

"Nor am I asking that of you." She interjected with her arms raised. Elu came back into the room and set the ignored tea down atop the dresser. She closed the balcony doors, then made her way toward Bethany, but she threw up her hands. "Bethany, please just tell me what has you so depressed..."


Elu reached out and cupped Bethany's cheeks, making her grasp her wrists as she half-heartedly fought to wrench herself away. "Sad."

"Stop it, Elu." She tried turning her head away as fresh tears pooled in her eyes.

"I won't. Not until you tell me what's warring on your mind." Tempting fate, Elu rested her forehead along hers as they always did and felt her gripping her pullover. She rubbed their noses together, feeling Bethany's lips brush her own with a sizzle like no other. "Please, let me in."

Bethany kissed her with such ferocity she was momentarily lightheaded, stumbling back into the wall. Elu grabbed her hips, turning them around as she kissed her back, moaning into her mouth when she opened it, inviting her inside. She cupped Bethany's cheeks, forgetting to breathe as the softness of her lips enthralled her and made her skin simmer. Suddenly, Bethany pulled back and stared deeply into her eyes, gingerly tracing her eyebrows as she moved her hands to her waist.

Elu trailed them around her back and gathered her in, dipping her head and resting her face in the crook of her neck. "Bethany... You kiss me like that, but you will not tell me why. You touch me... You look at me...and my breath stops." Elu stood up straight, pulling her hands away and raising them in the air as she backed away. Bethany reached for her, but she slinked away and sat down onto the end of the bed. As Bethany stared back at her in what appeared to be mystified disbelief, strain enveloping her features, Elu finally added, "Tell me what you are thinking."

After sighing and leaning back against the wall, Bethany slumped to the floor, covering her face as she whispered, "I am terrified, Elu..."

Without hesitation, Elu was on her feet and in front of her, getting down to her level just as she fell forward into her arms. They settled together onto the floor and she ran her fingers through the back of Bethany's glossy hair. As she did, Bethany sat back and Elu caught her hair between her fingers, gathering it at the sides of her face. She ran her thumbs along her cheeks and Bethany scooted closer, holding onto her wrists.

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