Chapter Five: March 6th, 1876, Just Beyond Athens Tennessee

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Elu ducked behind a series of shrubs to the left of a clearing wherein Bethany's detainers held her, bound with a rope around her wrists as she sat by the fire. The single woman with the crew sat next to her, remaining somewhat glued to her side just after setting her down and starting a fire. She poked at it with a yawn and Elu glanced along the faces of the other men who'd been met by a third. That made them a party of four so far and she didn't plan on surveying them long enough for them to add anymore to their numbers, overhearing they were expecting at least two others within the valley.

As the men made camp, Elu noticed the weariness about them and knew her time to strike was now when they were distracted with menial tasks or in no shape to do much else. All worn from the tired journey here, she was lucky they hadn't traveled much further from the mountains and the small town of Athens before halting long enough for her to catch up. Now, haggard from evidently more than just that short journey, they were more relaxed and she made her move.

However, as she crawled through the waist high grass toward the backside of the woman with Bethany, she was able to better hear the obvious conversation they'd been carrying.

"...dealing arms. You are nothing more than a rebel's daughter and we aim to make an example of you. Then," The woman set aside the stick she'd been using to poke at the embers of the fire and played with the hair strewn along Bethany's left shoulder. She startled and cringed away, holding her bound hands in front of herself as the woman edged closer still. "Once your father finally comes out of hiding, we will kill him, his associates and eventually you. Although, I could argue on your behalf. If I feel so inclined, that is."

"Stop it. I do not know who you are, nor do I care. I have nothing to do with my father and if what you say is even half of the truth, then I want nothing to do with him." Bethany indignantly turned away, looking in the opposite direction, but was swiftly spun back around. "Let me go, Sadie..."

"Sorry, love, but I have a job to do as well and the big boss is even worse than me when angered." This Sadie woman turned them both back toward the fire and grabbed the makeshift poker once more, angling herself toward Bethany with a malicious grin.

Elu had seen and heard enough. She leapt into action and pulled her dirk from her waistband, slicing it across Sadie's back. As she fell forward, wailing and trying to grasp her blood stained backside, Elu latched onto the rope around Bethany's wrists and yanked her down into the tall grass as a series of bullets were hurled their way.

"Stop shooting, you dolts! You will hit the girl!" A booming, raging voice called above the shots that quickly ceased altogether. "What the hell are y'all waitin' on? Go get her! Now!"

Elu hoisted the ropes over her back and Bethany along with them, then settled her arms looped around her neck. "No matter what, keep your head down!" She hissed as she peeked over her shoulder. Bethany hastily nodded and she began her crawl back to the thicker woods. "Stay with me!"

Bethany ducked her head and Elu felt her burying it in the back of her top long hair, scrambling for shelter as she heard the men hacking at the grass surrounding them. She made it to the outskirts of the woods and stood, waiting for Bethany to settle before she turned around in her arms. She came face to face with her just as something whizzed by her head and shuffled them both to the side. Peering at whatever it was, she found an axe sticking out of a tree nearby and then spotted the woman from earlier ambling toward them from its origin.

Without a second thought, Elu lifted Bethany from the ground and into her arms, then began running as fast as her legs would carry her toward the sound of water. Hearing their enemies quick on their heels, Elu didn't stop when she saw a cliff's face she surmised led down into a ravine she'd noticed on her trip through this area earlier that year.

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