Chapter Thirteen: March 21st, 1876, Covington, Louisiana

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Elu stared at Bethany from her perch at the window. She was going through her luggage on her bed, getting the last of her provisions put away into her overnight bag they'd gotten in the last shortstop town. In Elu's opinion, Bethany wasn't in her right mind and neither was she for that matter. The sun was sinking in the sky, they had about forty minutes left before their arrival to Covington to meet with the Foret Posse and Elu had spent the last three days trying to convince Bethany to change her mind, but it was all to no avail.

She watched as Bethany stood and began doing the clasps of her luggage, but couldn't get them to close with her strength alone. Elu went over and helped her from behind, feeling her shivering against her front and losing control.

She wrapped her arms around her and pulled her in. "Please, listen to reason, Bethany. I cannot see you hurt..."

Bethany turned around after shaking herself free from her arms and gently nudged her back. "Stop that. I have already made up my mind and you will not be changing it, Elu."

After shoving the trunk away and turning her around to face her, Elu fussed, "Why? Why are you so convinced that this is the right path to take?"

"Because it is." Bethany calmly answered as she took hold of one of her hands and gently pulled it from her shoulder. "I told you already that I have my reasons, so please just let it--"

"No! I will not let it go!" Elu took her hands and cradled them against her chest. She rested her forehead along Bethany's, but felt her reticence. "Please, tell me why." Bethany shoved her away with a groan and wrenched herself back to her task, but Elu was done playing nice. She locked the door and latched onto her shoulders, turning her around once again. "Tell me."

As she attempted to shrug herself free, Bethany shrieked, "Stop it, Elu! It is my business as to--"

"Tell me." Elu wrapped her arms around her waist, trapping her in place so that she could no longer run and feeling a jolt run through her body.

"N-No, I..." Bethany peered up into her eyes and her own softened, but she shook her head, defiantly trying to break free. "I will keep it to--"

She finally loosened her arms around her waist and held onto her biceps instead as she dipped her head and demanded in a booming voice, "Tell me!"

"At least if they are with us you will not be hurt!" Bethany stiffened as soon as the words left her mouth. She shimmied herself free and tried to back up, but only ran into the bed with a hum as she avidly eyed her surroundings. Elu stepped nearer and the closer she drew, the more alarmed Bethany became. "Wait... Now, hold on, Elu. I did not... That was not..."

Bethany slipped back, sitting down on her bunk, and Elu carelessly shoved her luggage to the floor with one hand while she reached around the back of Bethany's neck with her other. She knew she shouldn't, she'd only just vowed not to, but she couldn't fight the pull toward her full, luscious lips. She drew nearer to them, but didn't go any further, feeling the heat of her breath along her mouth.

"You...want to protect me now?"

"I-I never..." She flinched as Elu tenderly massaged the back of her neck. "I mean, of course...I do not wish you to be...hurt. I..." Bethany grasped her pullover in handfuls and audibly swallowed as their lips brushed.

As Elu rubbed her nose along Bethany's and ushered her backward so that she laid down on the bunk, she probed with a hopeful plodding in her chest, "You what?"

"I..." She licked Bethany's bottom lip, delighted as she threw her right hand overhead, clenching the bedsheets in a tight fist. "I-I care about you."

Swept up in the moment, Elu lunged forward and kissed along her throat, making her moan. She licked her way up to her ear and took her lobe into her mouth, sucking it with a small pop. Still, she didn't go to the best source of her taste just yet. She needed more. To hear how she felt just one more time.

Chased Distance: A Novella (WLW) Where stories live. Discover now