Chapter Eleven: March 17th, 1876, Columbia, Mississippi

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Deciding not to leave the train and waiting for it to disembark from Columbia, Beth and Elu were in the midst of their first training session now that she was healed enough to move better. She planted her feet just as Elu instructed and lifted her fists in front of her face. Hesitantly, Beth jabbed outward, but she rapidly caught it, swinging her around herself. As their bodies met and she tried to hide her shivers, Beth peeked back over her shoulder and found Elu gulping as she became seemingly entranced with her neck.

A jolt ran through her as she met her gaze, then she released her, lifting her right hand. "You need to keep your wrist straight or you could sprain or break it. Like this."

Elu straightened Beth's arm and wrist, then patted her elbow, indicating she needed to lift it higher. She did as she was instructed, punched the air in front of herself and felt more strength and control than with her previous punch. Over the last few days, they'd grown closer as Elu not only tended her wounds, but also revealed more of her travels. Though she knew she was still holding some things back, Beth didn't mind if it meant a change for the better. If this was any sign of the things to come during the rest of their trek, she looked forward to every moment.

As far as their journey went, they were set to leave Columbia soon and their next stop would be Canton, Mississippi. According to Elu, most people within the state were white and they weren't above lynchings. For their safety, they needed to keep up their facade as best as they could. A white woman would most likely be alright, but a person of colour, female or male, could really face some hardships there if they weren't overly attentive.

Elu had also explained traveling in groups was the best way for people of colour, but considering one of them was biracial and the other a relatively light skinned Cherokee, if they kept up their act, they shouldn't face any big issues there. Still, this time if anything happened Beth wanted to be prepared.

She punched the air once again just before Elu stepped back from around her to her front and held up her hands. "Aim for my palms. It will help you learn better control of your punches."

Reluctant to willingly strike her friend, Beth partially lowered her hands. "I do not wish to harm you."

This set Elu off in a fit of laughter until Beth sent her a face she hoped would convey just how annoying she could be. "Don't worry. I'm very durable." Beth cautiously punched one of her fists and met her palm rather well, blushing as she gazed at Elu's encouraging disposition. She landed several good hits after that, holding back less with each thrust, then Elu caught her hand. "Now, I want you to punch at my torso. I will teach you to defend against an imminent attack."

"But I--"

"You won't hurt me, Beth." With a sigh, she did as she was told and Elu brought her hands down in fists in front of herself, blocking the hit. "Use both arms and hit their forearms as hard as you can if they go for your gut, then kick whatever you can and run."

"Run?" As Beth jerked her head back and dropped her arms, she added in complete confusion, "I thought this was meant to teach me defense."

"It is, but you are a novice, so offense will be our next lesson. Until you can handle yourself better, you need to do as I say."

Now Beth instinctively crossed her arms over her chest. "As you say...?"

"I'm sorry, that was rude of me. I just mean I do not desire you hurt." As one of her arms sank to her side, Elu ran the fingers of her other through her uncharacteristically short hair. "Please, Bethany. If you are able to get the upper hand and I am not there, run once you have the chance and find me."

After walking to her bunk, Beth sat down and glowered at Elu. "You told me I need to defend myself, to protect myself, but now you think I should run. What if you are the one in danger? Shall I run then as well?"

Chased Distance: A Novella (WLW) Where stories live. Discover now