Chapter 1

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I walked slowly to the park. I didn't want to go, the conversation of the day before running in my head over and over again. Haunting me.


"Ah. Jason. We're ready for you."

My eyes widened and I almost dropped the phone. "Hello? Who is this?"

The voice on the other end chuckled. "Aw! Don't tell me you've forgotten me already? You know who I am."

I felt like all the air in my body had been sucked out and any oxygen left in the world was out of my reach. I closed my eyes and prayed one last time that I was just hearing things. "But..."

The same familiar and dreaded voice laughed. "Don't be so shocked. I said it would be about a month, right? It's time for you to come with us."

I shook my head and had to lean on the wall. "Yeah..."

"We'll drop by this evening. Be ready by midnight." He said in a cheery voice which made me want to vomit.

"Jason, what's wrong?" Suddenly I heard a voice from the stairs and looked up to see Dylan. I tried to compose myself. "Nothing. It's just a call from my dad's work." I handed him the glass of water and smiled. "I'll be up in a minute."

He frowned but, nodded. I watched him leave before I went back to the phone. "Fine. I'll be ready."

"Good. Oh, and I almost forgot. Go to the park and get the paper bag that's sitting on the farthest bench."

I frowned. "What's in it?"

"It's for Dylan." He sounded smug. "Put it in his water at dinner. Then bring him out with you."

I gripped the phone tightly. "That was not part of our deal. You're supposed to leave Dylan out of this."

He scoffed. "Don't blame me. You should've kept your mouth shut. If you hadn't said anything he would've been fine."

I loosened my hand on the phone and frowned. "Wh-... what? What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, Jason. You told him everything. He can't be trusted to keep it to himself so we have to keep him quiet. We can do that the easy way. Or we can do it the quick and fast way. Which do you prefer?"

I sighed. "Whatever. I'll go get the damn bag..."

"Good. There's a drug that will keep him sleeping for a while. Give it to him when he eats dinner and he'll never suspect a thing." He said.

"It won't hurt him?"

He chuckled. "No. But, don't pull anymore stunts. Be a good little boy and he'll be fine."

I took a deep breath, calming myself a little. "When should I be at the park?" I couldn't believe I was actually going to do this. To Dylan. But, I had to keep my family safe.

"Anytime before midnight. It should already be there so you can go pick it up whenever you want." He said. "Better go quick though. Don't know who woukd take a paper bag without permission."

The call cut and I set the phone back into the receiver. I rubbed my face and blinled back frustrated tears. I was going to hurt Dylan even more. This was all my fault...

***Flashback ends***

I had told Dylan that I was running to the store to pick something up. He had asked to come with me but, I told him I'd be back soon and he should just wait at the house. He seemed to suspect something was up but, I was thankful he didn't ask.

I had hoped to get the drug and be home in fifteen minutes or less but, I had been walking so slow that it had been much longer. I hadn't even reached the park yet.

I noticed lots of people running around and having fun and I almost laughed at how depressed I must have look. My head down, shoulders slumped, slowly making my way down the street. It was probably a funny sight.

It had been almost forty-five minutes before I finally got to the park. I went straight to the bench and picked up the bag, the contents light but, definitely not empty.

The sun was already setting but, I wasn't ready to go home yet. I didn't want to face Dylan. Everything I said to Dylan or did for Dylan was a lie now. I was lying to the one and only person I ever loved with all my heart.

After about twenty minutes of sitting I finally stood up and made my way home. Despite knowing how I would be greeted, I faltered at opening the door.

I was about to grab the handle when the door swung open and Dylan stood there, eyebrows raised. "How long are you going to stand outside?" He asked.

I cleared my throat and tried to be normal. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking."

"You've been doing that alot lately. You okay?" He looked concerned and I felt like a jackass.

"I'm fine." I said and gave him my best smile. "I'm just a little tired. Nothing to worry about."

He huffed. "You suck a lying." He said before turning away and walking off.

Great. Now he's pissed off.

I sighed and went inside. I could smell dinner which meant I didn't have much time before I'd have to act and use the drug. I gritted my teeth at the thought and went up to our room.

I was relieved to see Dylan wasn't there and sat down on my bed. Faintly, I could hear Peter talking to my mom downstairs and someone was watching TV. I wasn't sure who but, the sound eventually got on my nerves and I shut the door.

The room grew quiet and I rested my head on the wall behind my bed, my knees pulled up. I was lost in thought when there was a knock on the door. Knowing Dylan wouldn't have knocked, I frowned. "Come in." I called.

The door opened and Jarvis poked his head in. "Hey, are you okay?"

I frowned. "I'm fine. Why?"

He came in and shut the door, sitting at my desk. "Well, you just seem kinda off. Plus, Dylan looks pissed about something. You guys didn't fight, did you?"

I sighed. "Not really. I'm just stressed with some stuff and I tried to hide it. He's just upset because I'm being distant."

My cousin frowned. "You can always talk to me. I know I wasn't the nicest person in the past but, I am still your cousin."

I shrugged and looked out the window. "It's fine. I can deal with it by myself."

He scoffed. "Just like you dealt with me when we first met. If you recall, you started crying and hid under a table."

I rolled my eyes. "I was four. What was I supposed to do? I didn't know any better."

"You were mature enough to want to look strong by not telling your mom." He chuckled. "Which it seems you still haven't done."

"She sees you and Peter as angels. Why would she believe me if I said you were a bastard?" I asked.

He pouted. "That wasn't very nice. I'm not a complete bastard." He paused and seemed to think for moment. "Scratch that. You're right. I'm a bastard."

We both laughed and I started to feel a little better. I still felt like a jackass but, I didn't feel quite as bad. At least I had been able to stop thinking about everything for ten minutes.


Hey everyone! This is not really the start of a new book. I'm still on my one book at a time schedule but, I did this because I reached 600 followers and I wanted to do something different. This is the second chapter I've written today and I'm exhausted. Haha! I love writing but, it can get tiring sometimes. Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW AND STAY AWESOME!


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