Chapter 5

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Dr. Samuel lead me down the hall and to another room. I waited anxiously for him to unlock the door. As soon as it was open I rushed in, looking around to see Dylan curled up in the corner, head in his knees.

"Dylan!" I said as I rushed over.

He looked up quickly and I saw relief flood his puffy, red eyes. "J-Jason...!" He tried to meet me halfway and I pulled him into my arms. "Oh, God, I was so worried..."

He held onto me tightly and I rubbed his back. "Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?"

"N-no... They t-took me away and then brought m-me here... I-... Jason-"

I rubbed his back some more. "Calm down. I'm here now. Just take deep breaths."

He nodded and I felt him relaxing into my arms. I pulled away. "Sorry I didn't come sooner. I tried but-"

He shook his head. "It's okay... I was just scared that they hurt you or something."

I couldn't help smiling at his concern and leaned my forehead on his. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, okay?"

He nodded. Dr. Samuel walked up and cleared his throat. "We must leave now. I don't know when Dr. Gibbs will be here and he'll be upset if finds anyone talking to his subject."

"Yes, I will be."

We all looked towards the door where the man from before, Dr. Gibbs, was now standing. His eyes looked harsh and I felt Dylan's hands tighten. He scooted closer to me as he whispered, "That man was here earlier... He's mean... He-"

"Get out of my subject's room." He growled. He was glaring at Dr. Samuel who was shrinking away slightly. "You were not given permission to talk to him."

I frowned. "But-"

His eyes snapped to me and he stormed forward. Dylan stepped back but, I held my ground. Dr. Gibbs glared at me. "Subjects don't talk back."

I clenched my teeth. "I-"

His hand went across my face with deafening sound. Dylan gasped and I stared at the man in shock, my hand coming up to hold my cheek. Dylan pulled me back. "Jason, you should go..." He said quietly.

I was about to agree when Dr. Samuel grabbed Dr. Gibbs arm. "Do not hurt my subject!"

"He was talking back to me." He muttered. "Besides, you should know better than to screw around with my tests. By bringing your subject here to reassure mine has completely ruined everything! Now, I have more work to do!"

Dr. Samuel huffed. "All he wanted was to see him. They did get ripped apart quite fast."

"Get out. I Don't ever want to see you or your subject again. If I ever catch you in here without my knowledge I'll make sure you're out of a job. This isn't a joke."

Dr. Samuel rolled his eyes but, grabbed my arm. "We're leaving." He said.

I glanced back at Dr. Gibbs turned his harsh glare on Dylan. I wanted to save him but, Dr. Samuel was holding me too tight and I couldn't pull away. He took me back down towards my room and nudged me back inside. "I let you see him. Now, I'm going to set up for your testing. I'll be back in a half hour."

He left the room and I sighed. I felt my cheek sting a little and rubbed it gently. My face hurt for the force of the slap and I wished I had ice or something.

I sat down on the bed with a thud and closed my eyes. I hoped Dylan was okay... That Dr. Gibbs looked pretty pissed when we left. I didn't want him to do anything to Dylan.

I couldn't sit still and finally stood up, beginning to pace. I went up to the door and jiggled the the nobb. Not surprising, it was locked. I ran my hands through my hair and walked back and forth across the room again.

It felt like forever before I heard the door's lock clicking and Dr. Samuel walked in again. I couldn't help the small shake my hands made when he told me to follow him.

We walked down the hall and he directed me into a room full of chairs with straps and wires. I started sweating and he chuckled. "Calm down. Today I'm just running some blood tests to see if you have any allergies. It's nothing to worry about."

I still felt nervous and couldn't help glancing at the door. Dr. Samuel shook his head. "Oh, no you don't. Go ahead and sit down. Relax as I get my supplies."

I took a deep breath and sat down in the closest chair, clenching my fists into my white pants. Dr. Samuel wheeled a cart of syringes over and smiled at me. "Ready?"

I rolled my eyes. How could he ask me that with a genuine smile? Is he an idiot or something?

When I didn't reply he shrugged and started strapping me in. I frowned and pulled on my arms. "Wait, wait, wait. Why are you using restraints?" I asked frantically.

He looked over his dozens of needles. "Sometimes it can get a little painful. I can't have you accidentally kicking or hitting me. It wouldn't be good for either of us."

I pulled on the leather straps. "I-... I won't do that, just please don't-"

"Calm down, Jason. You'll be fine." He said.

I had always hated being tied down. It was kind of a phobia. I pulled gently on the restraints and breathed faster. "P-please-"

He ignored me and rubbed alcohol on my arm. I felt dizzy and my head started spinning. "I-... can't-..."

He frowned. "Hey. Are you okay?" He snapped fingers in front of my face.

I shook my head to try and get the fuzzy feeling to go away. It didn't help and I started see spots. "I don't... I-"

"Shit..." He muttered. "You're going into shock." He pressed a button and my chair tilted back a little. He walked away but, was back moments later with a hot towel. He set it over my forehead and waved a hand in front of my face. "You have to keep your eyes open. Don't fall asleep, okay?"

The lights in the room suddenly seemed very bright and I squinted. Dr. Samuel puffed his cheeks as he looked around the room. He rushed off and I twisted around in my chair as the lights in the room got brighter and brighter. I felt like I was walking through the sun.

My eyes started to close and I faintly heard Dr. Samuel come back. He slapped my cheeks lightly and called my name but, it was like I was in a tunnel. He sounded really far away and his attempts to get me to stay awake felt like light brushes.

Just before I passed out I wondered if I would die. It scared me. I didn't want to die and I knew if I did Dylan would be alone. I couldn't do that to him. I closed my eyes completely and rested my head back.

Sorry, Dylan...


Hey, everyone! What did you think? I was really out of ideas for this chapter so if it kinda sucked that's why. I couldn't really think of what I wanted to do so I wrote this. I hope it's not too bad... Well, anyways! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS, VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW AND STAY AWESOME!


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