Chapter 13

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(Dr. Samuels POV)

I checked the girl's temperature and frowned. She had a slight fever. She'd be out of testing for a few days. Maybe more.

I sighed and stood up. "Make sure she gets warm food for the next week. If she throws it up give her broth instead."

I patted the little girl's head and smiled. "Don't worry. You'll be better in no time."

She coughed and nodded. I left the room, taking off my gloves and dumping them in a garbage nearby. It was disappointing when a subject got sick because it threw the schedule off but, sometimes it just couldn't be helped. We'd just work harder once she was better.

I walked back to my lab and opened the door. "Sorry about that, Jason." I went over to the sink and picked up couple of muscle relaxers. "One of my subjects was complaining about a headache and it turns out she had a small fever."

He didn't reply and I looked up with a frown. The anti-vaccine should've kicked in enough for him to talk by now. I walked over and saw he had his eyes clenched shut. My brow furrowed. "Jason?"

He seemed to shake at my voice and his eyes opened slowly. When he saw me his eyes widened with fear. I frowned. "What's wrong?" When he didn't reply I grabbed some equipment off a table, intending to take a brain scan when he started to tremble violently.

I reached forward with some cords, ignoring his draw backs, and started attaching them to his forehead and face. I was about to pull my hand back when he whispered, "Don't t-touch me..."

I barely had time to react before he started to panic, shouting and yanking at his restraints. "Don't touch me! No! Someone help! Stop!"

I stepped back in surprise. "What the heck...?" What was going on? I grabbed my walkie talkie and called for assistance. Then I quickly turned on the brain scan machine. I started entering in commands and watched nervously as it did it's job.

Jason was thrashing around and shouting, saying things like 'monster' and screaming for help. As the scans finally came back my assistance rushed in. "What's going on?" One of them asked while they tried to hold him still.

I shook my head as I began reading the scans. Immediately I frowned and looked back up at Jason. This couldn't be right. The scans showed he had large amounts of activity in the right hemisphere of his brain. That usually causes hallucinations. But, where was all that activity coming from?

I turned to one of the stand by assistants. "Take him out of the lab. I need to run more tests."

"Should we sedate and take him back to his room?"

"No, it's probably not a good idea to add any more chemicals to his blood. Also, take him to a padded holding cell. I don't want him hurting himself or his roommate." I said. "I'm going to take a blood sample and then you can remove him from the lab. Be fast."

I got a syringe and carefully extracted some blood. After putting it in the ice box I watched the assistants guided Jason, screaming, kicking, and fighting, from the room.

I sighed and picked up the scans, looking them over again. This wasn't making any sense. Niether the medicine nor the anti-vaccine should've given him such a reaction. I sat down and started going over the scans again and again. More work to do.


(Dylan's POV)

I sat on one of the beds in mine and Jason's room, resting my head back against the wall. Today had been a physical day. I'd been forced to run without any breaks for almost three hours. I was exhausted and my whole body burned from the electric shocks I had received any time I stopped or slowed down. I sighed and closed my eyes.

I should probably wait for Jason to get back before I try sleeping...

My shoulders slumped as I started to doze off. I probably wouldn't get another chance anyways...

I was almost alseep when I heard a muffled shout. My eyes opened a bit and I turned my head towards the door. What was that?

As I listened the yelling grew louder and closer. I frowned. That's unusual. Usually if there's a patient with a problem they give them something to keep them quiet.

I strained my ears to hear as they got closer. "Let me go! Stop! Get away from me!"

My eyes widened as I suddenly realized who was screaming. I scrambled off the bed and ran to the door. I didn't think twice before I banged on it loudly. "Hey! What's happening?"

There was a return bang and a growl as the guard told me to shut it. I ignored him and banged my fists into the door again. "What's happening?! Hey! Let me see Jason!"

The door opened a crack and the guy started to yell at me but, I completely ignored him and shoved the door open. I saw Jason being dragged down the hall about twenty feet away. I bolted towards him, grabbing one of the arms of the men holding him. "What are you doing?! Let him-"

I was elbowed in the face and I fell back, the guard from my room catching me and pulling me away. I sat stunned for a moment before my eyes focused again and I jumped up. The guard held my arms. "What do you think you're doing? That's an unstable patient. You could've gotten injured or into some serious trouble."

I pulled on my arms. "Let go! Please! I have to know where they're taking him!"

"Forget it, Kid. You need to stay back." He said.

I was about to give up when I glanced back at Jason. He was scared. I knew how that felt. I couldn't let him feel that way.

The next thing I knew I had ripped my arms free and raced down the hall, ignoring the shouts for me to stay where I was. I shoved one of the doctors away and Jason quickly yanked himself away from the rest.

I hurried towards him as he looked around himself with fear. I reached out to him as I said, "Jason, what's-"

When he saw me his eyes grew wide and he stepped back, tripping over himself and falled backwards. He waved his arms at me and kicked his legs. "No! Get away from me! Don't come near me!" He pleaded.

I froze. What? Why? I didn't do anything. "Jason-"

"No! Get away!" He had backed himself into a corner and was shaking as he stared directly at me.

I felt the guard from before grabbed me and yank me back. I didn't have the heart to resist as I stared dumbfounded at my boyfriend.

I watched him as the doctors grabbed him and he struggled to get away. I felt dazed as the guard pulled me away and back to the room. I could still hear Jason's voice as he screamed for them to let him go.

As the door closed in my face I dropped to my knees. I felt my body trembled as confusion and fear came over me. What had they done to Jason? Why did it seem like he didn't even recognize me? Like... he was afraid of me...

My eyes watered and I stared at the floor. I didn't know what to think. He had been scared... so scared...



Hey everyone! This was hard to write mentally but, easy to write imaginatively. I liked writing it and it was easy to do but, it was hard because I felt really bad for Dylan. Poor guy. He has no clue what's going on. I was going to explain everything in this chapter but, then it got too long. I'll explain it in the next one I promise. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS, VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, AND STAY AWESOME!


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