Chapter 10

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"You don't seem to be as excited as I thought you'd be." Dr. Samuel mused as he strapped me into the chair. "Considering today is the day you get to see your boyfriend again and all."

I shrugged subconsciously, my mind kind of in the clouds. "I guess..."

He frowned. "What's the matter? I haven't even given you your morphine yet and you look like you're imaging yourself sleeping on a bed made of fluff." He chuckled.

I must have seemed more off than he thought because when I still didn't say much his eyebrows drew together again. "Seriously. What's on your mind. You don't seem right."

I couldn't help it as I sighed and said, "I'm just a little uneasy about seeing Dylan. Something feels off."

Dr. Samuel seemed uncomfortable all of a sudden. "I don't see why." He said, sticking the needle in my arm and injecting the morphine. "You should be excited."

I started feeling drowsy like usual and shrugged again. "But, I'm not..." I said as I started getting loopy.

He didn't say anything as he rubbed an oil on my arm. I frowned. "What's... that?"

He rubbed a different one on my arm. "I'm seeing what effects these have on the skin. Don't worry. Only some of them burn."

I would've rolled my eyes but, suddenly my arm felt like it was being stabbed with blades that had been set on fire. I gasped and jerked on the straps. "What the hell...?!" I clenched my teeth. "What is that?!"

He just rubbed on another. "It's related to acid. The effects aren't that different though."

I kicked my head back and gripped my chair. I felt like my arm was in a furnace. It hurt like hell. "God, damn it...!" I gasped out.

"Sorry, Jason. It'll only last a few more minutes then I'll apply some cream." He walked across the room and pulled out some cotten swabs and bandages. I couldn't concentrate on that though, my right arm starting to bleed. I stared at it in horror as I forgot all about the pain. "Why-"

"Oh, calm down. It's just the acidic rub burning through your skin. It's completely natural." Dr. Samuel said as he walked back over.

He dabbed at the open wounds with a cotton cloth and I tried not to cry out in pain. The burning had mostly stopped but, the air hitting the sores made up for the lost pain. "D-don't-..." I clenched my teeth as he pressed a cotten strip on my arm.

I spent the next five minutes doin my best to not cry like a kid as he sterilized my arm and wrapped it up firmly. "Sorry about that." He said. "It's always a little hard on the skin the first few times around."

I glared at him. "You mean I have to do this again?!"

He shrugged. "I'm trying to see if the human body can build up a tolerance. Real acid would be too dangerous to use so I'll wait until the last test to use that. I have to see if it'll effect you."

I dropped my head back and closed my eyes. "Damn..." I said.

He chuckled. "Sorry. But, don't pass out. You have to be awake or you won't get to see Dylan."

I sighed and lifted my head. "Yeah... I know..."

He chuckled. "Let the morphine wear off and I'll have you sent to your room."

He did his usual clean up while I took deep breaths. My eyes started seeing less fuzz and I blinked several times. "I think I can go back now." I said.

He nodded and unbuckled the restrains. "Careful when you stand." He cautioned.

I stood up slowly and steadied myself with the chair. He called for a guard and they helped me out of the lab. I was out of it but, not enough to notice our direction. "Wait... Where are we going?"

The guard glanced at me. "Room 411." He pressed the elevator button. "Dr. Samuel's orders."

I frowned. That wasn't my room. I'd never even been there. Was this another one of Dr. Samuel's tests? I contemplated this as I was helped into the elevator and the doors closed.

"Why are we going there?" I asked nervously.

He didn't look at me as he said, "The doc doesn't tell me much."

I bit the inside of my cheek and frowned deeply. This was worrisome. I wasn't sure why but, I didn't feel right about this. Maybe-

The doors to the elevator opened and I followed the guard out. He walked down the hall and unlocked the door to room 411. I stood back for a minute and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Go on in."

I hesitated again but, stepped into the doorway. As soon as I walked in my eyes landed on a small figure huddled in the corner, his mumbled words just barely distinguishable as, "Don't take me away... I don't want to go there anymore... Don't touch me..."

My eyes widened in horror as I stared at what remained of my boyfriend. I could see almost every bone in Dylan's body sticking out through his baggy clothing. My hands shook as I choked out, "D-... Dylan?"

His head shot up and he stared at me in shock. Then his eyes filled with tears. "Wh-what are you doing here...?! You can't be here...!"

I was a little confused by his reaction and frowned. "But, Dylan-"

"Go! Get out!" He stood up and started to push me towards the door. "You aren't supposed to be here! If he finds out then he'll get mad!"

I stumbled back in surprise and stepped back into the doorway. I would've been shoved out the door but, the guard blocked the way. "He's going to be living here with you so get used to it, kid."

Dylan stopped and stared at him. Then he hurried back to the corner. "Oh, no... No, no, no, no, no... This is horrible..."

When the door closed I frowned. "Dylan... What's wrong? Isn't this what we both wanted? To be able to be together?"

He shook his head violently. "No... No... This isn't right..."

I stepped towards him. "Dylan-"

"No!" He held his hands out in defense and ducked his head. "Don't come near me...!"

I tried not to show the hurt on my face and blinked back tears. He pulled his skinny legs in tighter and let out a small sob. "Please..."

I nodded and stepped back until my back was to the wall behind me. "Okay... I get it..."

I licked my lips and slid down the wall. "I'll leave you alone..."

He didn't look at me and I felt my heart start to break. Why was he so upset? What did I do? I glanced at him as he hugged his shoulders tightly, subconsciously digging his fingers into his skin. "I'm sorry, Jason..."

I nodded. "Yeah..."


Hey everyone! This chapter turned out a little different than I thought it would. I initially had no intention of having Dylan act like that. But, I have to say, I'm happy with how it worked out. It was pretty good for an unplanned chapter. I liked how I did it. First chapter in this book in a while that I'm not disappointed with... But, forget about my pitty party! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW AND STAY AWESOME!


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