Chapter 12

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"So, how's it going with Dylan?" Dr. Samuels asked as he filled a syringe with a clear liquid.

I shrugged. "Well, he's talking to me again."

Dr. Samuels smiled. "That's great! I was a little worried knowing how Dr. Gibbs experiments can be. So, he's warming up to you?"

"Yeah." I smiled remembering how Dylan had curled up next to me the night before without any hesitation. "I'm glad he's calming down a bit."

Dr. Samuels came over and injected the meds into my arm. I winced as he pulled out the needle but, soon relaxed as it started to take affect. My muscles loosened and I took a deep breath.

Dr. Samuels put alcohol on my other arm and wrapped a piece of rubber tightly around my bicep. I sighed. This was probably the worst part. Knowing what's going to happen and not being able to stop it.

Dr. Samuels chuckled. "Don't look so depressed. It's not like I'd do anything to hurt you. I'm just testing medicine today."

I rolled my eyes. "Like that changes anything."

He laughed and walked over to a tray on a far counter. "True. I can't really say what's going to happen. I guess that's why yu call it a test."

Over the past few weeks Dr. Samuels and I had begun to ease up around each other. Now, I know what you're thinking. How can you ease up to a kidnapper? Well, it's not like I trust him. I just don't have as much hatred towards him as before. Despite our separate situations, he had been very kind and caring to me and I was grateful.

I closed my eyes and rested my head back as I asked, "What kind of medicine is it?"

"Just some pain relievers. It'll take a moment to set in though so prepare yourself."

I frowned and opened my eyes. "Prepare myself?" Immediately after looking in Dr. Samuels direction I felt sick. "What is that for?" I asked.

He came back over to me an object in each hand. In his left was the new medicine. In his right was a medium sized knife.

"I can't test a pain reliever without the pain. That wouldn't make sense at all." He smiled. "Ready?"

My hand shook as he grabbed it gently and put the tip of the blade on my palm. "C-can't you just-" I began to protest but, I didn't get very far as a burning sensation ripped through my arm, a gasp leaving my lips. Dr. Samuels pulled the blade away as thick blood dripped from my hand to the floor.

I took in ragged breaths as I tried to contain the pain in my hand. Dr. Samuels quickly injected the medicine into my arm and smiled. "There we go. I'll wrap up your hand while we wait for the medicine to take effect."

I winced and bit deeply into my bottom lip as Dr. Samuels tightly wrapped a piece of gauze around my hand, covering it with a bandage for extra security. As he finished I suddenly felt very numb. I couldn't feel my injured hand anymore but, I also couldn't feel my non-injured hand either. Or my feet or my arms or my legs. I could just barely feel my face as I said, "I... can't feel anything..."

Dr. Samuels looked up. "What?"

I struggled to move my mouth as I repeated, "I can't... feel... anything..."

Dr. Samuels immediately hurried over to a cabinet and pulled out some things. "The dose must've been too strong." He murmured as he worked.

I wanted to ask what he meant but, my face was completely numb and I couldn't talk. Dr. Samuels finished whatever he was doing and walked back over, injecting me again.

He sighed. "Guess I'll have to tweak the formula a little bit next time." He looked up at me. "This will clean the medicine from your blood. You'll be back to normal in an hour or so."

Despite his words of encouragement, I didn't feel any better. I wanted to stand up. Not being able to move felt uncomfortable and, to be honest, extremely claustrophobic. I felt like I was in a steel box without any way if getting out.

I wanted to scream or even just move my fingers but, I was completely paralyzed. I could just move my eyes. I took this into advantage and flitted my eyes around to room. The feeling of numbness was horrible. It wasn't like being limp. It was more like a tight feeling. All my muscles were clenched and I felt like stone.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door to the lab. Dr. Samuels looked up from his notes. "Who is it?"

"Doctor? Excuse the interruption but, you have a patient asking for you." A voice called through the door.

Dr. Samuels stood up and walked towards the door. Was he going to leave me here?! Alone?! In this condition?!

I willed my mouth to form words as I ground out, "W-wait-...! Where-"

"Calm down, Jason. I'll be back in a minute. This'll give you time to let the meds wear off." Dr. Samuels said.

I was going to argue but, before I could get anymore words out he left. I looked all around the room. Was it just me or did the room look darker.

I blinked several times, trying to focus my eyes on something as the room dimmed even more. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something crawl out from behind a table. I stared at it as sweat dripped down my forehead.

What the hell is that?!

All of a sudden there was a noise by my feet. I looked down and, if I hadn't been frozen, I'd have jumped out of my skin. I wanted to move. I wanted to run. Anything but, sit there as it got closer.

It crawled up my leg, it's stick thin legs latching onto my pants to hull itself into my lap. I clenched my eyes closed and tried to ignore the feeling of it as it crept over to my left arm and felt my skin with it's antennas.

Hands began to shake as I felt it make it's way up onto my arm. My skin crawled as it's slimy body slid over my forearm and up to my shoulder. As it sat next to my ear I heard a clicking sound in front of me I shivered before I opened my eyes slowly.

My eyes grew wide with terror as I stared at the giant monster in front of me. It was different from the other ones. It was so much bigger. My stomach twisted and turned as it stared at me with glass like eyes.

Then it reached forward with it's sticky leg, intending to touch my cheek. I drew back as far as I could but, it still drew its slim across my forehead and down my cheeks.

I trembled and finally managed to croak out. "Don't t-touch me..."

Then I was screaming. My strength was back and I was jerking on the leather bands binding me to my chair. "Don't touch me! No! Someone help! Stop!"

Then the door behind me burst open. I turned, hoping it was Dr. Samuels but, it wasn't. It was more of them. Those things. They rushed towards me and I felt my eyes water. I was so scared...

Stop... Don't touch me... Please...


Hey everyone! You know, the really nice thing about this book is I can do anything I want. I can't tell you how much fun it was to write this. I don't know why but, I love terrifying people. Haha! Well, I should stop talking now. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS, VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, AND STAY AWESOME!


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