Chapter 23

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"Get away from the door!" Wess hissed, grabbing mine and Dylan's arms, pulling us away.

Jen looked terrified, her hands beginning to shake. "They've finally come..."

Wess grabbed her arm and we all hurried towards the back of the house. "Take this." Wess said, handing me a flashlight.

"I thought you said you didn't have anything electric."

"We've kept it from our escape just in case of an emergency." He said.

Dylan and I watched as he peeked around the door frame of the kitchen as the banging continued. He turned back to us. "Take Jen and go out the back way. I'll keep them at bay as long as I can."

"What?!" Jen began to protest but, her brother cut her off. "Go with them. Don't stop running. I'll be fine."

He pushed us out the back door and then went back inside. Jen had tears on her face as she refused to let go of the door handle. I put a hand on her shoulder. "Jen-"

She turned to us. "If we see each other again, tell my brother that it was my choice." Then she ran back into the house, closing and locking the door behind her.

I pulled on the door. "Jen...!"

Dylan yanked on my shirt. "Jason, we have to go. Come on."

Reluctantly, I followed him away from the house. Just as we were about to disappear into the trees a shot rang out. We both turned back. Then a second shot was heard. Dylan's eyes showed fear and I knew I couldn't go back to help.

I grabbed Dylan's hand tightly and we ran into the trees, quickly putting pace between us and the house. I didn't know where to go but, I figured if we ran far enough we'd find something, anything useful. At least, that's what I hoped.

The sun was setting slowly behind the trees and I knew it wasn't a good idea for Dylan to be in the dark. He was probably already scared out of his mind. Gently, I tugged him to a stop. "Dylan, hold on." I said.

He glanced at me anxiously. "But-"

"We have to find a place to stay. We should go back to the house after they've left and get some stuff."

"B-but-... W-what if-... What if..." He couldn't even get the words out, his panic making him stutter. I took his hands in mine and pulled him into a hug. "It's okay. You don't have to go inside. I'll go in and get things and you can stay outside if you want."

He still didn't look happy but, didn't protest as we made out way back towards the house. As we neared neared building we could hear men talking. Dylan stuck close to me as we crept up to a window and peeked in.

As soon as my eyes registered the room I pulled Dylan down, refusing to let him look at the blood covered scene. I took a deep breath before I lifted my head again and looked inside. Wess was on his back, eyes staring vacantly at the ceiling. Jen had apparently thrown herself over him but, was now laying still, her hands limp over her brother's.

I swallowed tightly as I tried to tear my gaze from them and concentrate on what was happening in the room. There was a man in a security guard suit talking to another man. "Fan the area. Dr. Gibbs wants them both back immediately." The security guard demanded.

"Yes, sir." The other said. He walked to a group of others and started giving orders.

I took Dylan and started running again. Forget about supplies. We couldn't stay there any longer. It was too dangerous.

Dylan tried to keep up but, after a few hours I could tell his shoulder was starting to bother him. He kept wincing and grabbing it every few minutes. Finally I spotted a cave a few yards away and pulled Dylan towards it. "We can hide here until morning." I said.

We hurried inside and collapsed on the ground, panting heavily. Dylan's eyes were red and I could tell he wanted to cry. I crawled over to him and wrapped my arms around him. "Sh... It's okay..." I murmured.

He sniffled. "Wess and Jen... They-"

"Don't talk. Just go to sleep. I'll keep watch." I said.

He nodded, wiping the tears from his cheeks as he layed his head in my lap and curled up. I combed his hair with my fingers and looked out of the cave's entrance. I couldn't see the house anymore. We must've traveled at least two or three miles.

I sighed and reset my head against the wall, taking deep breaths as I tried to ease the adrenaline rushing through me. As I relaxed I felt Dylan relax too. He must have been able to feel my anxiety. I rubbed his shivering shoulders.

I thought back to Wess and Jen. Those poor siblings... They never did see the ocean... or the world in general... I hoped they didn't suffer...

Suddenly, I awoke to the sound of shouting in the distance. I looked out of the cave and could see lights in the trees. How had they caught up so fast?! I shook Dylan awake and instructed him to go as deep into the cave as he could.

"Where are you going?" He asked frantically.

"I'm going to see where they are." I said.

"But, what if they see you?"

"They won't. I'll be careful." I promised. "Don't worry."

He shook his head. "Don't leave me. Please, don't leave me..."

I sighed and glanced at the entrance again. "Alright."

We crawled to the back of the cave, turning the flashlight on so we could see. I held Dylan to me as we stumbled along, going as far back as possible. It felt like it went on forever. Dylan's hand shook as he tried to stop me. "Wh-what if we get lost?" He asked.

"Then we'll just have to go back the way we came." I pointed the flashlight on the ground. "It's dusty in here and there's no wind so we've been leaving footprints. We can just follow them."

He looked relieved and nodded. As we continued walking the light slowly started dimming. I shook it and tapped it in my hand as it flickered. "Come on..." I muttered.

We took a few more steps and then Dylan grabbed my arm as the light suddenly went out and we were plunged into darkness.


Hey everyone! Not super happy with this chapter. It feels kind of rushed and not hardly as dramatic as it did in my head. But, I like enough to publish it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS, VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, AND STAY AWESOME!


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