Chapter 3

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There was a bump and I was jolted awake, my back hitting the hard bars of the cage. I winced in pain and rubbed my neck. Dylan still slept soundly next to me and I sighed and sat back. I closed my eyes, wondering when we'd reach wherever we were going.

"Awake already?"

I snapped my eyes open and turned to the man who was driving. I narrowed my eyes and turned away. "What of it?"

He shrugged but didn't reply. I rested my head back. "Not that I'm eager to get to whatever place it is you're taking us but, how much longer do I have to feel like a dog?"

He chuckled. "Still a few hours. Are you hungry?"

"Not really." I didn't want anything from him. He smiled and looked in the review mirror. "You sure? We may be in the middle of nowhere right now but, I came prepared. I have quite a bit to choose from."

I didn't say anything, choosing to let my silence be my answer as I crossed my arms. The man chuckled and shrugged. "Suit yourself. But, don't expect such kindness from the people I'm selling you to."

I frowned and glanced at him. "Selling?"

"Oh, yes. I have no need for you. But, the people I'm working with paid a high price for both of you. Once I drop you off you'll be in their hands. I'll have no say in what happens to the both of you." He smirked at me. "I've dealt with them previously though and they're not very kind. They'll do anything from starve you to drop you in a tank of water repeatedly to see how long you can hold your breath."

I let out a nervous breath and subconsciously glanced at the door to my cage. The guy shrugged. "But, you might get picked for the DNA experiments."

"What's that?" I asked.

"They'll test different syrums and stuff on you. See what reactions they'll get. You're more of a DNA subject than Dylan though. He's already been through abuse so it'll be easy to keep going-"

"You won't touch him." I growled and gripped my bars tightly.

He laughed. "I won't. But, they probably will. I can't control that so don't get mad at me."

"Yes, you could..." I muttered as I sat back again. "Let us go..."

"And lose the well earned money? Not a chance. That's a lot of money."

"But, we're living and breathing people. What's more important?"

He shrugged. "Because I personally don't care what happens to you the money is more important to me. Sorry, kid."

I felt my spirits drop and I loosened my hold on the cage, slouching slightly. I knew I should keep trying to convince him but, deep down I knew it was a waste of time.

He seemed to notice my disheartened posture and smiled kindly. "Cheer up. It won't be that bad, I'm sure. Just let them do what they want for a while. They'll eventually grow bored and find someone else to use."

"Then what'll happen to us? Locked in a room for the rest of our lives?" I asked bitterly.

He shrugged. "Sometimes they send subjects to a different facility for different testing." He paused. "But, they'd probably send you each to individual ones so you wouldn't see each other again."

"I'd rather die..."

"Not surprising. Most subjects that have a roommate get very attached and have breakdowns if they're separated." I glared at him. "He's not just my roommate." I growled.

"All the worse. You seem pretty strong but, he'll probably break the second they separate you."

"They're not going to separate us." I said sternly.

"Not for you to say. It's all up to them. They might even separate you at the start just to see how you both react. It's all part of the tests." He smirked in the mirror. "I wouldn't mind staying and seeing what they'll do but, I have other subjects to cart around."

I turned away in disgust and crossed my arms. "You're despicable." I said.

He chuckled but, didn't reply because at that moment Dylan stirred. I glanced at him anxiously and he opened his eyes a crack. I couldn't help feeling guilty and looked away.

He sat up slightly and looked around, the confusion showing on his face. He finally seemed to notice me and his eyebrows drew together. "Jason...?"

"He'll be kind of out of it for about five minutes so don't be too worried. He'll be fine." The guy said.

My guilt probably showed on my face because Dylan asked, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

I couldn't reply and just looked down at my hands. Dylan frowned and reached through the bars, almost like he didn't realize they were there. "Jason, are you mad at me for getting nosey earlier?"

My eyes shot to his in surprise. "What? No. Of course not. You were right, okay? It's not you."

"Then why do you look so sad...?" His eyes looked truly concerned and I couldn't bare to look at them. "I'm fine... You don't need to worry about me..."

His outstretched hand seemed to drop a little and he sat back, his shoulders slumping. I was pulling my knees to my chin when he suddenly asked, "Wait... Where are we...?"

His eyes darted around the car, finally taking in his surroundings in confusion. His eyes landed on me and then the cage I was in. Understanding filled his expression and he stared at me silently. I felt a lump form as I wondered if he was mentally blaming me.

But, then he looked down and said softly, "Oh..."

I bit my lip and moved towards him. "Dylan, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault and-"

"What did they threaten you with?" He asked quietly.

I paused and clenched my teeth. "They... They said they'd hurt my parents..."

"Then it's okay."

I looked up and he gave me his best smile. "You did the right thing. I can't be mad at you for protecting your family."

My bottom lip trembled and I reached out for him. He grabbed my hands and we got as close as the bars permitted. "I'm so sorry, Dylan. If I hadn't told you about anything then you'd be safe at home." I said, a couple of tears forming in my eyes.

He shook his head. "My home is with you. I'm glad I'm here. I'd be worse off alone, without you."

"But, I don't know what they'll do to you and I don't want you to get hurt again-"

"Jason, I can take it as long as I know you'll be there with me."

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I might not be there with him. That we might not see each other again. I couldn't crush his only hopes of survival like that. It wasn't fair. So, I just looked down and nodded, my hands tightening around his. "Okay..."


Hey everyone! This story is back up and running! It's going to be great starting this again. I've been wanting to work on this for a while. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW AND STAY AWESOME!


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