Chapter 25

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"Dylan!" I jolted awake and stared up at the ceiling as I painted, sweat dripping down my forehead. I was on a bed it seemed. I tried to sit up, however, I was strapped down and my body seemed to be on some sort of drug, my movements being sloppy. I looked around me as I registered my surroundings. It looked like I was in a hospital or something, hooked up to a few machines.

I shouted as loud as I could. "Hey! Where am I?! Where's Dylan?!"

For a moment there was no response. Then the door to my left opened and a young lady poked her head in. "Oh, good. You've awakened. I'll go inform Dr. Benton."

"What?! Wait! Where am-" She left the room, closing the door behind her before I could finish. I frowned and strained my neck to see the restraints on my wrists. I was twisting my hand around to try and slip it out when the door opened again and the lady from before entered. She walked over to a table without even a glance in my direction. I glared at her. "Where am I?"

She turned to me with a frown and walked towards me. I flinched as she kept my eyes open to flash a light in them. She let out a small hm to herself. "Vitals look okay..." She said. She checked my pulse and tapped my knees a few times to make sure I still had my automatics. "Seems your system is still in working order."

As she began walking away I jerked on my restraints. "Wait! Tell me what you've done to Dylan! Where is he?!"

She paused and seemed confused for a moment. "Dylan?" She frowned before she grasped what I meant. "Oh, yes. Dylan. It's not really my place to tell you. I'll let Dr. Benton tell you that. He's in charge of your testing."

As she walked out the door I started shouting again, yanking on my restraints violently. "Let me out of here! I want Dylan!"

After several minutes of screaming without reply I rested my head back on my pillow and closed my eyes. I felt tears spring to my eyes and I bit my lip. Dylan... I could still hear the guns ringing in my ears... Not her place to tell me? Tell me what...? Was Dylan... dead...?

I swallowed tightly. Then I frowned. My leg didn't hurt and, as far as I could tell just by feel, I didn't have a bandage on my head. Didn't I get shot? Where were my wounds?

As I tried to make sense of my confusion the door opened and the lady nurse watched me as a few men released me from my restraints and machines, helping me to stand. Immediately my legs gave way and one of the men had to hold me up.

The nurse got me a wheelchair and I sat down in it, my helplessness making me feel small. The nurse thanked the men before she pushed me out of the room. "Sorry about that. Your legs will probably have to get used to moving again. You've been under for about a week." She said.

I was brought into a room with a couple of couches. The nurse brought me next to one but, left me in my wheelchair. "Dr. Benton will be in momentarily." She told me. Then she left the room.

There was a window a few feet away and I wheeled myself over to it. As I looked out my heart sunk. I was back in the facility, the familiar endless setting of pine trees everywhere I looked. I heard the door open behind me and turned to see a man enter the room, file in hand.

"Hello, Jason. How're you feeling?" He asked me with a smile.

I clenched my teeth. "Where's Dylan?" I asked.

His smile dropped and he came and sat down on one of the couches. "Are all your senses working? Can you see and hear me properly?" When I didn't reply he pointed to a candle that was light in a nearby desk. "Can you smell that?"

When I still didn't respond he frowned deeply. "I know your legs must hurt a lot. You haven't used them for a week now. They must be weak from lack of muscle use."

Ignoring his pointless comment I pursed my lips. "Where is Dylan?"

He nodded slowly. "Dylan... Well, you see, Jason, Dylan..." He took a pause and I asked again. "What did you do with him?!"

He hesitated one last time before he said, "Dylan, I'm afraid, does not exist."

I stared at him. Then I laughed hysterically. "So many lies... So many false truths! I'm not stupid. I know how this works" I said. Using all my strength I stood up from the wheelchair, taking a step towards Dr. Benton. "Where is my boyfriend?" I asked.

He looked unconcerned and stood up with a sigh, forcing me to take a seat once again. "I would love to tell you all about this past week but, it is far too much to grasp in one small conversation."

He walked over to the desk and began pulling things out of a drawer. I watched him as he turned towards me, holding up a couple of pictures. "Tell me. Do you recognize any of these items?" He asked.

I frowned. "It's a dog and cat..."

He nodded. "Good. Veey good." He picked up a couple more. "And these?"

It was a man and woman sitting on a couch; their faces were blurred out. The scene was familiar but, I couldn't put my finger on it. "It's a man and woman..." I murmured.

"It means nothing more to you?" He asked. I shook my head slowly. "No..."

"Hm... Interesting." He set the images down and turned back to me. "I will put it simply, in the easiest way to help you understand." He said.

He walked to the other side of the room with a precise stride. "You've been asleep for some time. You know that, yes?"

"That's what I've been told but, what does that have to do with Dylan?" I asked.

He hummed again. "Dylan was merely a dream, Jason. Everything was merely a dream."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

He sighed deeply. "Your parents, your cousins, 'Peter and Jarvis', even your great escape aided by 'Dr. Samuels'. You dreamt it all up." He paused. "Well, you saw it in your dreams but, it was our dream for you. You've never been outside this very building since the day you were born."


Hey everyone! Sorry... So so sorry... I apologize deeply... There is one chapter left before I end this book. Sorry for this particular ending... Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS, VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, AND STAY AWESOME!


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