Chapter 14

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(Dr. Samuels POV)

I frowned. This... This wasn't right. Neither of these chemicals should've produced such a result. Even mixed together it shouldn't have made him react that way.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. It was late into the night. I was exhausted but, I couldn't seemed to figure this out.

I picked up the vial of Jason's blood and frowned at it. "What have you done...? How have you done it?"

There was a knock on the door and I called for whoever it was to come in. An assistant poked his head in and I sat up a little more. "Yes?"

"The subject seems to have calmed down. He's asking for you."

I stood up immediately and hurried down to the holding cell he was currently being held in. "Jason?" I asked as I opened the little window to peek in his room.

He was standing on the far side, his pacing going to burn a hole in the floor. He looked up when I called his name and rushed to the door. His forehead was coated in sweat and his eyes looked around wildly. "What's happening...?!" He asked. "Where-... Where are those things?" He looked around with fear.

I frowned. "Things?"

"They were... terrifying... awful..." He took a shaky breath. "What were they?"

I shook my head. "You seemed to have been having hallucinations. As to why, I do not yet know. I'm working on an answer but, it could take a while."

"Hallucinations...?" He shivered. "It felt so real... I can still feel it's-" He looked up. "What about Dylan? Is he alright? Does he know where I am?"

I shook my head again. "I haven't had time to tell him what's going on. I'll drop by in the morning. For now, I'm going back to the lab. You're to stay here-"

"What?! But, Dylan-"

"He'll be fine for a night. I still don't know what happened to you and I don't want you going off again and hurting Dylan. You'll stay here until I know what's going on."


"I'll come back in the morning. Try getting some sleep." I said. He tried to protest again but, I closed the window and sighed. Then I started back to the lab.

I was walking by a room when I heard some whimpers. I frowned and glanced at the room number. Room 411. That was Jason and Dylan's room. The whimpering must have been Dylan. I had been informed that he'd had an encounter with Jason while he was being brought to the holding cell. Apparently there was conflict.

I frowned and walked forward, gesturing to the guard to open the door. I might as well explain things before he has a meltdown in front of Dr. Gibbs. That would be the worst thing for that poor kid.

As the door swung open I stepped inside. Dylan flinched and he looked up at me. It seemed to take him a minute to recognize me but, as soon as he did he tried to stand up, his legs shaky. "Dr. S-samuels...!"

I helped him up and set him on the bed. "Calm down. No need to be so upset."

"B-but... Jason-"

"He'll be back as soon as he can. An experiment went wrong and he's just a little out of it."

"Wh-what went wrong...?" He stuttered. "Why-"

"I'll be sending him back here once I know the answer to that." I stood up.

"Wait...!" He grabbed my sleave as I went to stand. I looked down at him and his eyes widened. "S-sorry..." He mumbled as he sat back. "I just wanted... to ask if he was okay..."

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