Chapter 8

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The days passed slowly and I hadn't seen Dylan since that day when I got in trouble. I wondered everyday if he was okay and repeatedly asked if I could see him but, the answer was always no.

I had grown closer to Sully and he'd been very nice to me. We talked every evening when he brought me dinner. He told me things he heard about Dylan and in return I provided what he wanted. A friend. That wasn't very hard to do either since he was easy to get along with.

So far I had learned that he was almost eighteen and had spent most of his life here. He didn't remember if he had parents or not but, he said sometimes he would have flashes of himself playing with someone. He didn't know who it was but, he said he remembered smiling at the person.

I'd told him about my mom and my dad and how many kids they'd taken care of over the years. He seemed envious, his eyes sparkling when I mentioned my parents.

"You had real parents? Like the ones that tuck you in at night and make sure your door stays open a crack so you don't get scared?" He asked.

"Well, I guess. They probably did that when I was younger." I said.

He smiled and looked down. "I wish I knew what that was like..." He said softly. I shrugged. "You must have had it at some point since you know about it, right?"

He shook his head sadly. "No... I had an artificial mother."

I stared at him in confusion. He cleared his throat. "For a long time the scientists here tried to make artificial life. It didn't work but, the ones that were somewhat successful were given to the subjects. They made several different ones and I was given a mother." His looked down and I could see slight fear in his eyes. "I was so young... It was fun at first but, one day I walked back into my room to see it laying on the floor, a puddle of oil under it. The head wasn't even attached anymore..."

"What happened to it? Why was it like that?"

"It malfunctioned and they had to destroy it. They hadn't finished cleaning up when I got back..." He shrugged halfheartedly. "I learned to cope without my fake mom but, I still miss her sometimes. She made life here a little easier, I guess."

I looked down, not sure what to say. I felt bad about all the times I had taken advantage of my mother and began to feel guilty. "Did they ever give you a new one?"

He shook his head. "No, I was alone after that. It's really lonely sometimes but, I have my books and that helps, I suppose."

He looked up and his smile returned. "Plus, I have you to talk to and when I see Dylan he talks to me too. He told me all about how you saved him and protected him. You're really amazing."

I couldn't help blushing in embarrassment a little. "Not really... I just did what I had to. I mean I love him so I couldn't live without him." I mumbled.

His smile grew. "Dylan's lucky to have you. I haven't ever been in love but, I read about it all the time in the books I get."

"You talked about books all the time." I said trying to change the subject. "Does everyone in the physical testing get books?"

He shook his head. "No. Only some. I'm doing the real-life simulation so it's like I'm in the real world but, not. Sometimes it'll be a happy simulation and sometimes it won't. It depends on how the Doctors want it to be. Dylan's simulation is-" He hesitated and I frowned. "What's Dylan's simulation?"

He looked down. "His is... Well, it's the cold simulation."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I'm really not supposed to be talking about this. I could get in trouble."

I had a bad feeling in my stomach and I slouched in disappointment. Sully noticed and sighed, looking anywhere but, my face. "The cold simulation is a number of different things... It can be literal or it can be figurative. He could be locked in a below zero degree room for hours with nothing but, his night clothes on. Or he could be in a room full of a lot of people but, they all ignore him, like he's just a ghost." He shifted uncomfortably. "It's different all the time..."

I clenched my hands subconsciously and glared at the floor. "What's wrong with the people in this place?" I growled. "We're human beings too..."

Sully didn't say anything and I shook my head. "Sorry..." I mumbled.

He glanced at the door and cleared his throat. "Well, I better go. I have to be back to my room before 9:00pm."

I nodded and watched him go. I waited a few minutes before I rushed to the door and knocked loudly. "Hello? I want to speak to Dr. Samuel." I called.

The door opened and a guy leaned in. "Why?"

"I just do. Please, can you go get him?" I asked.

He didn't seem happy about it but, closed the door and I heard him walking away. I waited anxiously by the door until the lock clicked and Dr. Samuel walked in. "You said you wanted to speak with me?" He asked.

I nodded. "I have to see Dylan." I said.

His expression became one of slight exasperation. "Jason, we've talked about this. You can't-"

"I know but, I have to know he's okay. I have to. Please."

His face turned sour and he shook his head. "I can not let you see him. It will interfere with his testing."


"Jason, he's a strong kid. He can handle himself. I've seen how he reacts to things and-"

"I have too!" I interrupted. "He had a panic attack on a Ferris Wheel." I said. "I can't just-"

"Jason!" He said, cutting me off. My eye dropped and I clenched my teeth. He ran a hand through his hair. "I know how you feel but, it's still a no. Trust me, the last thing you want is Dr. Gibbs on your case. He's not the nicest of people."

"I don't care..." I said bitterly.

He sighed. "I'm really sorry, Jason."

He turned to leave but, I asked, "Dr. Gibbs said-..." I hesitated. "He said we might get moved into the same room after a while..."

Dr. Samuel glanced back at me. "Yes? What about it?"

"How soon can that be?" I asked. "I just want him close to me. Can't you talk to Dr. Gibbs and see if he'll-" I stopped when I saw the expression on Dr. Samuel's face.

I looked down and he sighed again. "Jason..." I looked up and gave him a pleading look. He watched me for a second before he shook his head and turned back to the door. "I'll ask."


Hey everyone! I really like this chapter! I could read this one over and over again. I don't know what it is about this chapter but, I really love it. Maybe it's because I got to talk more about Sully. I don't know. But, it's an amazing chapter in my opinion. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, AND STAY AWESOME!


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