Chapter 16

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I awoke the next morning to shouting outside the lab door. I blinked away my sleep and crawled over to the door. I pressed my ear against it and listened.

"He's my subject! You had no authority to do that!" I heard the familiar voice of Dr. Samuels say.

"What does it matter? It's not like I did anything to harm him." Dr. Gibbs replied.

"You put him in a state of mind that harms his decision making! Any future tests I had planned to run are ruined!"

"Oh, get over it. Just change the tests." Dr. Gibbs seemed like he didn't care.

"You-...!" I could hear the anger seeping out of Dr. Samuels voice. "You are some piece of work! Thanks to you, I have extra work to do! What do you think is going through Jason's head right now?! Probably anger and sadness and everything negative you can think of! That is not the state of mind he should be in for these tests!"

"I don't personally give a damn. If he's having problems now then so be it. All I wanted was a reaction from my own subject." I could hear Dr. Gibbs walking away and Dr. Samuels growling in frustration.

I quickly backed away from the door and hurried back to my corner. I was only halfway there when Dr. Samuels opened the door and walked in. He looked furious but, when he caught sight of me his face softened. "Oh, you're awake. I'm sorry about that. How much did you hear?"

I hesitated and he looked down. "I guess that's answer enough. I'm so sorry about what happened between you and Dylan."

I looked away. I didn't want to think about that. At least not at the moment anyways.

He nodded. "Right. Well, let's not dwell on the past. We need to get to work. But, I'll tell you now, if you want to talk just let me know. I'll have a separate room set up for you if you don't want to stay with Dylan right now."

I didn't say anything and just shrugged. He nodded and told me to take a seat in the chair. I did so and sighed. At least it was a distraction.

He gave me my morphine and then began with the other medicines. We used another pain killed that day so I had a cut on my arm from his 'administration of the pain'. It throbbed a little but, I was thankful for it. The pain was enough to numb me to a point where that was all I could think about.

Dr. Samuels didn't say much. He asked me questions about my substitute doctor and other things but, was quiet for most of the day.

By the time we were through with the day's tests I had almost forgotten about what had happened. I began to see it as a distant nightmare. Like maybe I had just dreamed it all up.

"So, I'll call the guard to come and take you back to your room. I'm working late to make up for being gone so if you need anything just tell the guard." Dr. Samuels said.

I nodded. "Okay. Thanks."

He smiled and waved bye as I stepped out the door and was lead back to the room. I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings until the guard opened the door and I stepped into the room.

The first thing that confronted me was Dylan's tear streaked face in the corner. My mood plummeted and I hesitated on my next step. Dylan stared at me with wide eyes as I cautiously entered the room and went to the far side, away from him.

I felt a lump in my throat as all the months of taking care of him hit me like a ton of bricks. Everything in me begged to go over and comfort him but, I refused to listen to myself. I stayed where I was, facing away and keeping my head down.

I faintly heard Dylan whimper and then in a small voice, "J-Jason... I really w-want to explain..."

I breathed out slowly and closed my eyes, pretending I didn't hear him. I could tell he was wavering and his voice shook even more when he spoke again. "I'm really sorry... I-if I could take it back-"

"Take back what?" I asked as I cut him off. "The fact that I saw you admit the truth or the fact that you lied in the first place?" I didn't even turn and look at him when I spoke. I couldn't bring myself to see his face.

He was silent for a moment. Then, "You don't know what it's like... Living with the knowledge that you're not even seen as human and then finally getting a chance to change it..."

That pissed me off and I stood up, turning around to glare at him. "I don't know what it's like?! Thanks to you, that's all that I ever think about! Everything was fine until you showed up!" I saw his eyes widen in fear but, I couldn't stop. I just kept going. "My normal life is now a tool for the use of maniacs! I now have to live with the knowledge that I am an experiment! A toy for playing with! And it's your fault! All because you had to come into my life! You ruined everything!" I wiped away a angry frustrated tear. "And you even lied to me. Played with my emotions for the purpose of saving yourself... You're no different than the people who used you."

Tears poured down his face and he was shaking violently. His eyes looked so glassy with fear I almost didn't recognize them as the shy, soft ones that belonged to the boy I'd fallen in love with. Before they had showed hope and kindness. Now all I saw was terror and floods of salty tears. There was no hope left in them.

I felt my knees weaken as rejection at what I had done course through me. But, I held my ground and swallowed my own tears as I turned back around and sat down again. I repeatedly told myself I had done nothing wrong. Every word had been true and I didn't need to feel guilty. I was right, he was wrong and that's all there was to it.


(Dylan's POV)

Jason sat back down, his back to me once again. I stared at him as the never-ending tears poured from my eyes. I said nothing, I didn't move, I didn't even really see anymore. My eyes were open but, I saw nothing. Everything was dark and cold. I guess that was because nothing really mattered anymore. Like my heart, my eyes had given up. They no longer worked the way they should.

They slowly closed and I just sat there, emotionless, yet still crying silently. It was like the only things that decided to stay functional were my tear ducts.

I think Jason left the room at one point. I'm not really sure. Even if I wanted to my body wouldn't make the effort. I felt deaf and blind and mute all at once. Even if I opened my mouth no sound would come out. I knew lying could be dangerous but, I never expected it to be so powerful it could kill me...


Hey everyone! ... ... ... ... I feel... like... I just killed my poor baby Dylan... He's so sad now... It's so sad! I can't wait to explain everything. It'll give me so much happiness when I finally get to the happy parts again. You guys will be happy too, I'm sure. Just wait a little longer. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS, VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, AND STAY AWESOME!


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