Chapter 17

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(Jason's POV)

I glanced over at Dylan as he sat in the corner. Over the last two days he had gone into a reclusive state. He hardly touched any food he was given, he never spoke, and whenever he'd feel me staring at him he'd just curl himself tighter and close his eyes, refusing to acknowledge my existence.

I didn't blame him... I went too far in my anger... What I'd said probably ruined anything we ever had... I'd be lucky if he ever looked at me again...

I rested my face in my arms and sighed. "I'm such an idiot..." I murmured to myself.

The door to the room opened and I looked up as the guard stepped in, motioning to me. I stood and, with one last glance at Dylan, followed the guard out of the room.

When the lab came into view I slowed. It wasn't that I didn't want to be there, I felt more welcome there than with Dylan anyways, I was just... kinda having second thoughts. There were just so many things that I didn't want to lose...

My parents... My cousins... If this didn't work then all the times I'd spent with Dylan were gone too... It was scary to think about...

The door was opened for me and I stepped in, spotting Dr. Samuels by a counter towards the back. When he looked up he smiled encouragingly. "Today's the day." He said.

I nodded lightly and sat down in my usual chair. He came over and set a syringe on a table close by. "Everything okay?" He asked as he strapped me in.

I nodded. He smiled and patted my shoulder as he stepped behind me. "If you want to change your mind you better do it quickly. I can't reverse it once it's done."

I hesitated but, shook my head. "I'm not changing my mind. I want to do this."

"Alright. But, remember the danger I warned you about." Dr. Samuels said with a meaningful look.

I nodded and he picked up the syringe. As he put the needle to my arm I said, "Wait!"

He paused and looked up at me. I looked down and mumbled nervously, "Do you think it's worth it? Will Dylan even care?" I asked. "Or is the damage already done?"

He put the syringe down and squeezed my hand. "I don't believe he wants to lose you anymore than you want to lose him. If this is the only way to fix that then I think you should go for it." He smiled. "Even if it doesn't change things between you and Dylan at least your situation will have benefited from it."

I took a deep breath and tried to stop the shaking of my legs. "O-okay... Then let's get on with it."

Dr. Samuels nodded and picked up the needle. "You'll be out for a bit but, I wouldn't worry too much. You have all day." He said.

I watched as he pressed the needle into my arm and a slight sting pinched my skin. I winced and clenched my teeth. Dr. Samuels pulled the needle out and set the syringe in a bowl. Then he cleaned my arm and put on a bandaid.

My head started feeling fuzzy and I blinked several times to try and focus on something. But, as my vision blurred I gave up and allowed myself to fall into a deep sleep.


(Dylan's POV)

As the door closed behind Jason I relaxed, my tense form easing out a little. I wondered how long my natural reflexes would keep up. I didn't want to be afraid of Jason... I just...

I shook my head and stood up. I didn't want to think about it. I began to pace the floor as I ran my hands through my hair.

Stop thinking... Stop thinking... Stop thinking... I just need to stop thinking...

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