Chapter 9

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I didn't get a reply to my request, though I asked several times, until about a week later. I sat distantly in my room, my head in the clouds after one of my tests when the door was unlocked and, to my surprise, Dr. Gibbs entered.

He didn't look very pleased but, then again, he never did. He walked to the center of the room before he stopped and his eyes looked me over. "I hear you've been asking to see Dylan again." He said, an edge to his voice.

I hesitated. "Well, yes..."

"After I told you to never show your face to me again?" His voice sounded angry and I couldn't help a small stutter. "Y-yes... But, only because-"

"There is no excuse to disobey orders." He said, cutting me off with a wave of his hand. "I don't like subjects like you. They're difficult, annoying. It doesn't help that you have such a slack Doctor either."

I felt very insulted and glared at him. He ignored me and kept talking. "But, despite my better judgement, I've talked to Dr. Samuel. We've decided that a few more weeks alone will be enough for Dylan's testing. At the end of the month he and you will both be moved into a larger room to share."

I but my tongue to hide my smile as I nodded. "Thank you..."

He scoffed. "Don't thank me. I had every intention to see him off to a whole other facility after what you and Dr. Samuel pulled. Thank him. He was the one who talked me into such a stupid idea..."

I looked down. "Oh... Sorry..."

He rolled his eyes. "Like I said..." He muttered as he headed for the door. "Annoying..."

When the door closed I sat down on my bed, my body going limp. Then I smiled and fell back. I was going to see Dylan again! He'd be right next to me. I could hug him and kiss him and... I sighed. Everything would be okay again. I could feel it.

I wasn't called in to test and I spent the day thinking about seeing Dylan. I knew I wouldn't see him for a few weeks but, I was still excited and relieved.

When Sully came and brought me dinner I told him all about it, too happy to notice my food at all.

"We're being moved to the same room!" I said with a smile.

Sully frowned. "Who?"

"Me and Dylan! I got Dr. Samuel to talk to Dr. Gibbs and they agreed to let us share a room. It won't be for a little while but, it's going to happen and I'll be with Dylan again."

I expected him to smile but, instead his eyebrows drew together in concern. "I don't know if you should be excited about that..." He said.

I frowned. "Why? It's what I've wanted the whole time I've been here."

"I don't know... It sounds too good. There might be a catch. Dr. Gibbs isn't someone to just do something like that. He's got to have a reason."

I felt a little disappointed that Sully wasn't excited like me but, after a minute I saw where he was going. "So, wait. You think he might be planning something?"

"I'm saying it's very possible. He always has a specific reason for doing something. He's not like Dr. Samuel." Sully seemed nervous. "I wouldn't be too happy, if I were you."

I sat back and my eyes studied the sheets on my bed. "Are you sure? Maybe he just decided to be nice this one time because Dr. Samuel asked."

He shook his head. "No... Dr. Gibbs hates Dr. Samuel. He wouldn't do that."

I raised my eyebrows. "Why does he hate him?"

"Don't you know?"

"Know what?" I asked.

He hesitated. "They have a bad history together. A few years ago Dr. Samuel asked if he could borrow one of Dr. Gibbs subjects. He we testing out a new syrum for mind survey. Unfortunately, something went wrong and the subject lost it, screaming and trying to kill everyone."

My eyes widened and I stared at Sully. He looked down. "He got out and, while the guards were looking for him, he snuck into Dr. Gibbs lab. They subject attacked Dr. Gibbs and he eventually had to shoot the him but, not before the subject tore out one of his eyes and ripped the tendons in his right arm, destroying his ability to use it."

I was sure I was the picture of horrified. "But, his eyes are fine." I said slowly.

He shook his head. "He made himself a glass eye to make him look normal and his right arm is fake too. He uses a plastic one, wearing gloves to make it unnoticeable."

"So, he's half blind?" I asked. "He never showed any sign of that..."

"You'll find, the longer you're here, he's good at hiding things." He gave me a serious look. "He wouldn't do anything nice for Dr. Samuel; not after the accident."

I suddenly felt uneasy and began to regret asking to live with Dylan. What if they tried to gain a reaction from one of us by hurting the other? Could they really be that cold hearted?

They kidnapped you and forced you to live in a prison. What do you expect?

I slouch in disappointment. This was a bad idea. I don't want to see Dylan hurt or upset. I glanced at Sully. "What are they doing to Dylan right now?"

He hesitated and eyed me cautiously. "They're working on a stamina test. He's probably been running non stop all day. Why?"

I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair. "I don't know... It's probably nothing. Forget I asked."

He seemed confused but, didn't get a chance to say anything before the door opened and the guard poked his head in. "Hurry up." He grunted.

Sully gave me a regretful look before he picked up the food tray and left the room. I watched him go and sighed. I was now nervous about being with Dylan again. I couldn't suddenly say not to put us together though. I'd just have to wait and see what would happen.


Hey everyone! I really didn't know what to do with this chapter and I still don't know what will happen in the next one either. I'm having some writer's block. I know what I want but, it's not working the way I want it to. But, I'll figure it out somehow. I always do. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, AND STAY AWESOME!


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