5. secrets revealed

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"Oh my God Jess, it's not a date!" I yell at her, not being able to hold in my laughter.  I felt way too dressed up to meet one of my bosses. "It's literally just a dinner with my boss"

Jess was helping me get ready for dinner tonight. I decided I wanted to dress up a little bit since he was my boss. Although, as she always does, she decided to go overboard.

"Good impressions are always good," She says, handing me a sweater from my closet. "And besides, he is your boss after all"

"I guess, I don't know, he just makes me feel really uneasy," I say, slipping the sweater over my head. I couldn't pinpoint exactly why he had made me feel that way. He had just given me a bad vibe.

"Is it because he's your boss?" She asked, grabbing my hair products off my dresser. I shook my head almost instantly.

"No, it's weird, I can't explain it but his presence..." I ramble on, hoping I don't sound crazy to her. "I just have an off feeling about him I guess."

"That's understandable" She replies, fixing my hair. I look up at the ceiling as she sprays my hair with an absurd amount of hair spray.

"And yesterday, he and Michael were fighting and it was just super awkward to be in between," I said, continuing to look at the ceiling. "And Michael won't tell me what his father did for him to hate him so much"

"Damn! And it's only day 4" She chuckled. I didn't find it as funny as she did though. It stressed me out a lot.

"Exactly!" I cry, flopping dramatically onto my bed. Jess looked down at me with horror.

"Stop you're gonna ruin your hair!" She yelled, making me giggle. She, however, didn't seem to find it as funny as I did.

"Oh, who cares about my hair!"I exclaim, covering my face with my hands. "Today is gonna be such a shit show!"

"C'mon you're just being dramatic," She said, pulling me off my bed. I groaned as she pulled me up.

"Am I?" I asked, knowing I sort of was. "I risk my life every time I go to work, and I have to deal with this stupid drama. I don't even know why I agreed to go."

"Am I getting myself into too much?" I ramble on, letting all my thoughts come out. "Maybe I should just beg for my old job back"

"I think you're overthinking everything" She replied. I groan at her response.

"Is Michael picking you up?" She asked, now sitting on my bed.

"He should be any minute now," I say, looking at my watch for the time. I sit down next to her, taking a deep breath.

"Is he nice?" She asked. I forgot I hadn't told her anything about my new job, considering we haven't really seen each other since I started.

"Yeah, he's really nice" I smile, thinking about him. I'm glad he wasn't some douchebag like my other co-workers used to be.

"That's good," She replied, looking at me sympathetically. "Sorry if I was stressing you out about everything. I just want you to have a good time"

"I know, I'm just probably being dramatic," I say, thinking realistically about it.  "Especially with everything going on there, I just feel on edge"

"I get that" She sympathized with me.

All of a sudden a knock was heard on my apartment door, startling both of us. We both rush to the door to answer it. It was Michael, obviously.

"Oh hey," I smile, noticing him dressed up nicer than usual. To be fair, I had only seen him in his uniform.

"Hey, you look different," He said, smiling back at me. I playfully roll my eyes at him.

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