19. plans in motion

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The sun shined through the window in my old bedroom waking me up. Wiping my tired eyes, I walk downstairs to the smell of breakfast. I had felt exhausted from last night, even though it was a super chill night.

Probably the chillest night I've had in a while.

"Good morning [Y/N!]," My mother smiles, seeming more chipper than ever. I look over to see my dad, as well as Michael.

I let out a small yawn, sitting down at the table. "Morning."

"I want to make sure you guys eat a good breakfast before you hit the road." My mom says handing me a cup of coffee. She must've seen that I clearly needed it.

"I'll definitely try and come back more. I really missed you guys." You nod, taking a sip of your coffee.

My mother smiles, sitting down at the table next to me. "We all missed you too honey. And Michael here has been helping me make breakfast," She smiles. Michael flashes a grin at me.

"Oh wow, how sweet," I roll my eyes playfully. I look behind me to see Maisie, Gregory, and Cassie all smiling and giggling.

"What's up with you guys?" I ask the kids, curious as to why they were so chipper.

"I'm letting them go to the park by themselves." My mom sighs. I could tell she wasn't very keen on the idea. "You guys are making me regret my decision."

"You kiddos better stay out of trouble," I say turning around to face them. "I mean it. There's weirdos out there."

And murderers.

They all nod while giggling. I knew they were most definitely planning on getting in trouble. They ran off, going upstairs. Everyone else sat at the table starting to eat breakfast.

"Do you two have any plans once you two get back home?" My mom asks. Michael and I both lock eyes with each other.

"We're probably just gonna relax when we get back home," I say fidgeting with my fork. "It's a long drive back home."

"Oh yeah, I forgot," My mom recalls. "You're still living in the apartment right?"

"Yeah, I'm trying to save up for a house," I admit. It really hadn't been at the forefront of my mind with everything going on, but it was a goal I'd had for a while.

"And Mike, you're staying there also?" Mom asks.

He nods. "For the time being yeah."

"He does help out a lot so I don't mind," I interject. My mom smiles. "And it makes it less lonely." I shrug.

"That's good. Hey, maybe you two should invest in a house together." She says grinning ear to ear. I knew exactly what she was doing.

"Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea," Mike says.

I smile. "Yeah, it's not actually."

We finish our breakfast, all moving into the living room as we say our goodbyes.

"We should probably get on the road," I sigh, not excited for the hour-long drive back home. Especially because I would be driving home.

"Hey, don't be a stranger. Feel free to come over more often," My mom smiles hugging me. "Anytime actually."

"I'll try Mom," I say hugging her tighter. Seeing my family reminded me how much I missed them. I look over at my dad who had arms open waiting for a hug. I run into his arms.

"I'm proud of you kiddo," He smiles ruffling my hair. "You've really grown up."

I laugh. "Thanks, Dad."

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