17. family reunion

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It was 9 AM and I was sitting in my kitchen making cookies. I talked to my mom about letting Michael and she seemed more than thrilled that he was coming along. I haven't brought up the good news because he was still sleeping.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I tease as Michael walks into the kitchen stretching.

He yawns, ignoring my previous remark. "What's up?"

I couldn't help but smile at his sleepy state. "Good news, my mom is okay with you coming," I reply, my happiness being prevalent.

"That's awesome," Michael smiles sitting at the table. "What are you making?"

"I'm just making cookies, you know, to contribute to the dinner," I shrug playfully, putting the dirty bowl into the sink.

"What kind?" He asks, sitting down at the table.

"Chocolate chip. A little basic but I'm sure everyone will like them," I say continuing to clean up my mess.

"I'll be the judge of that," He smirks going to grab a cookie.

"No!" I laugh slapping his hand away from the first batch. "No taste testing until we get there!"

"Why not?" He cried, his puppy eyes making me chuckle. I roll my eyes at him knowing exactly what he was trying to do.

"Because there's not enough for taste testing and eating," I laugh. I looked to see Michael disappointed, which I knew he was faking. "Okay fine, you can have one. That's it."

He smiles biting into the still warm cookie. "They're good." He said in between bites.

"Once we get ready we should go. My parents' house is about an hour away."

He nods, taking the last bite of his cookie. "Got it."

A few hours later, we arrived at my old house, and I felt a sort of nostalgia for being back. Since I lived so far away it was hard for me to get free time and visit them.

I knock on the door feeling excited but also a little bit nervous. Who knows what could have changed since the last time I saw them? My mother opens the door with a bright smile.

"[y/n], it's really great to see you again!" My mother greeted me, pulling me into a hug. I could feel Michael standing behind me nervously.

"Mom, this is Michael," I introduce as I pull away from our hug. Michael smiles back nervously. I could tell he was nervous by his demeanor.

"It's nice to meet you," She smiles, seeming excited I brought a friend with me.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. [L/N]," He says shaking her hand. I could see Michael looking around the house as my mother turned to face me.

"You as well," She smiles. "Your father will be back home in a few. He got held up at work."

"That's fine," I say watching as Michael looks around.

"Maisie's upstairs waiting for you, by the way." My mother says happily. I smiled when she mentioned my little sister.

I had always been very close with Maisie. I loved her more than anyone in the world. We rarely fight with each other, which is probably due to our 8-year age gap. I really missed her since I've moved out.

"Alright, I'll go say hi," I say walking upstairs as Michael follows me.

"I didn't know you had a sister." He says as we walk up the stairs.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her much since I've moved." I shrug as we reach the top of the stairs.

"Are you two close?" He asks curiously.

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