16. couch commentary

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Michael and I spent the past few days sitting on my couch watching every single episode of The Immortal and the Restless. It took our minds off of everything that had been going on. And I hated to admit it, but I actually really enjoyed the show.

I also never would've thought that Michael Afton of all people would be into soap operas.

"So Vlad is saying that the baby isn't his?" I ask confused about all of The Immortal and the Restless lore Michael was trying to catch me up on.

Michael thinks for a moment before speaking. "Yeah pretty much."

"That's stupid! They literally look the exact same!" I laugh, dumbfounded by the ridiculousness of the plot.

"Well, that is kind of the whole point," Michael shrugs. My attention was ripped away from the television when my landline started ringing. I get up and answer it.

"Hey [y/n]," My mother speaks. I was pleasantly surprised to hear my mom on the other side of the phone. I loved my family a lot, but since I moved out I hadn't talked to them nearly as much.

"Hey mom what's up?" I say leaning against the wall.

I could hear her chuckle quietly. "Well, we wanna invite you over for dinner tomorrow. It's been a minute since you've been back home."

"I know, things have been hectic over here," I sigh rubbing the back of my neck.

Yeah, maybe I shouldn't tell her about the murderer wanting to kill me.

"Are you busy tomorrow night?" She asks.

"No, actually I don't have any plans," I say, my other hand tapping against my kitchen counter. Then I realized it probably wouldn't be best to leave Michael here alone. "Oh, but I actually have a friend staying with me."

"Well, your friend can just stay at your place, right? It shouldn't take too long." She suggests, which would have been a good idea if his father wasn't a psychopath.

"It's complicated," I sigh. I didn't have the heart to tell her anything that had been going on. It would break her heart.

"You'll still come right?" She asks. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to go, I just worried about Michael.

"Of course, I just need to figure out a plan that's all," I say biting my nails as I think of whether Michael should stay here or not. Would it be rude to bring him to my family reunion?

"Maisie really wants to see you." She says trying to convince me even more.

"I know, I wanna see her too," I say. "Things have just been complicated. Let me see what I can do. I'll definitely be there tomorrow."

"Okay honey, I'll see you tomorrow." She says cheerfully.

"Bye Mom, I'll see you tomorrow," I say, then hanging up.

"Who was that?" Michael asks walking up to me.

"My mom. So my family wants me to come over for dinner tomorrow," I explain. "And I really don't feel safe leaving you here alone."

"I mean I don't want to intrude on your family time," He shrugs, not wanting to be a burden on my plans. "You should definitely go."

"I know, but I don't think it's safe for you to stay here alone. Knowing your dad, he would act on something if he found out you were here alone. He knows you're here. Maybe you should just come with me. My family wouldn't mind. They would probably wanna meet you."

Michael raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I mean your family doesn't even know me. Are you sure it would be okay?"

"I'm sure they'll be okay with it," I shrug walking back over to the couch. "I'll call her in the morning."

"Shall we finish our marathoning of Immortal and The Restless?" Michael asks, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

I laugh at him. "Fuck it, why not?"

We continued watching The Immortal and The Restless as Michael explained more of the lore of to me. We laughed as Michael continued his hilarious commentary on the show as he introduced me to the new characters and plot points.

Hours had passed and now we had been watching some movie that had come on after our last episode. We had both gotten comfy on the couch and snuggled in a blanket.

Michael turned to me smiling softly. "You know I'm glad we get to spend time together like this," He spoke softly. "It's really nice to not think about my father, even if it's only for a short amount of time."

"Yeah, it's been nice," I admit as I feel a smile creep onto my face. "We should do stuff like this more often."

"Yeah definitely," Michael yawns clearly tired from our marathoning. "Anyways I think I'm gonna go to bed."

"Goodnight Michael," I say as he walks off to the guest bedroom.

I sit on the couch absorbed in my own thoughts. In the past few weeks, I had gone from living a normal life to being involved with Freddy's and the secrets that followed with it. I worried a lot about Michael and his father coming back for us.

I know it worried Michael a lot more than it had worried me because Mike knew what his father had been capable of. There had to be a way that we could catch him in the act and get him locked behind bars.

It also sucked because I wasn't able to tell my family, or they could be at risk too. I had to keep them safe because if they had gotten hurt because of me, I wouldn't know how to live with myself. Jeremy had already gotten hurt because of me.

"I was hoping it would've killed you... But Jeremy will do."

Those words had haunted me ever since the funeral. I felt undeniably guilty for what happened to Jeremy. We had to stop him before he hurt anyone else.

a/n: short chapter for today but the next few chapters are gonna be fun along with some other things that im sure y'all have been waiting for ;)

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