14. aftermath

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Spring 1984...

It had been about a year since Michael had been admitted to the psychiatric hospital. Things had been going well, and Michael noticed serious changes in himself. Evan's death severely affected Michael for a while, but his doctors were understanding and helped him a lot.

"Michael, you've been doing really good and I'm proud of your progress," Dr. Jensen says, looking through Michael's report. "I think you're ready to be discharged."

"Really?" Michael asked, sounding disappointed. He knew the day he would have to face his father again would come. He just still wasn't ready yet.

"Chin up Mike," Dr. Jensen smiles. "That's great news, you'll finally be able to get back to your life, and maybe even finish high school."

The school was another thing Michael didn't want to go back to. People already didn't like Michael, but after what had happened, he would surely be labeled a murderer. He would definitely be bullied, but he felt like he deserved it.

"Yeah," Michael says faking a smile.

"I'm going to call your family with the news. You should be able to leave today." He replies, seeming way more enthusiastic than Michael.

"Thanks," Michael sighed.

Michael sat in his room staring at the wall alone with his own thoughts. Maybe with the time apart from his father, maybe William would be happy to see Michael again. Mike was also really excited to see his mom and Elizabeth.

Michael had thought back to what his mother sticking up for him that night. Although he felt he didn't really deserve it, he needed someone's reassurance that it would be okay.

About an hour later, a knock was heard on his room door. Dr. Jensen walked in with someone behind him. His father.

Michael could immediately feel his heart race. His father was the last person he wanted to see. His mind raced back to the night of the incident. But maybe his father reacted out of anger, and maybe his father was glad to see him get help.

"Your father signed all the discharge papers so you're free to go," Dr. Jensen says, happy as ever. Michael however, didn't feel so happy. "We're all really gonna miss you, Mike."

"I'm gonna miss you guys too," Mike says quietly, standing up from his bed and walking toward them.

"C'mon Mike let's go," William says, seeming nicer and happier than he was the last time he saw him. Michael let out a smile.

Maybe the time apart between them two made William hate Michael less. That was Michael's theory anyways.

"It's been a while," William says, sounding ominous. Michael brushed it off.

"Yeah, I'm really happy to come back home," Michael smiles, looking out of the window.


The rest of the car ride was pretty silent, besides the radio. Michael couldn't wait to see his mom and Liz. He had wondered why his father had been so silent with him. Wasn't he happy that he could finally see his son again?

"Where's Mom and Liz?" Michael asks as they walk in the door. He was immediately hit with the familiar scenery of his home. He felt comfortable being back at home.

"Oh, they won't be coming back home," William smirks as he shuts the door behind them, slamming it loudly startling Michael. He looks at his father confused.

"What? What happened?" Michael asks nervously. Did his parents get divorced while he was away?

"They're dead." 

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