6. the high life

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fun fact: this song was unintentionally inspired by the kintsugi kid by fall out boy. its a good song and yall should listen to it. anyways back to the story!

"I'm really sorry that all happened" Mike apologized keeping his eyes on the road.

I was feeling so many emotions all at once. My fingers tapped on the car door anxiously. I constantly looked back to make sure we weren't being followed.

"What the fuck Michael?" I yell, my eyes still filled with tears. I wasn't mad at him but it sure sounded like I was. "That's all you have to say about that?"

"What do you want me to say?" He defended, rightfully upset. I could see his grip on the steering wheel get tighter, his knuckles turning white.

"I don't know, maybe something that'll put my mind at ease!" I plead, still tapping my fingers.

"Listen, I know it's a lot to take in but I have a way to stop him," "Well sort of."

"Sort of?!"

"I'm trying okay [Y/N]!" He snaps back at me.

"You're right," I said, agreeing with him. "I'm sorry. It's just that he's the murderer, who's to say that he won't try and hurt us?"

"He'll definitely try, but that's why we're skipping work tonight" He reassured me.


"Won't we get in trouble with Henry?" I ask. I liked Henry and would honestly prefer not to be in trouble with him.

"Oh he'll forgive us, he loves me," He said pridefully. I chuckled softly at that response. I could definitely see Henry being more of a father figure to Mike than his own father.

"So where are we going if we aren't going to Freddy's?" I ask chewing my lip out of nervousness.

"A friend's house" He stated.

"And who exactly is this friend?" I ask, being nosy as usual.

"Oh you'll like him" He smiles. "He's a fun guy"

"Okay, and how does this solve anything?" I ask.

"C'mon you and I need a break from everything that's been going on" He chuckled not taking his hands off the wheel.

"You're right," I say, dialing my emotions back slightly. "But I also don't like the fact that there's a murderer probably looking for us!"

"Shh shh we're here," He interrupted me as we pulled into the driveway.

We walk up to the house. The house looked to be very small but it was in a nicer neighborhood. Mike knocked on the door. The door opened to a boy around our age who looked exhausted.

"Dude I work tomorrow morning," The blonde boy groaned, rubbing his eyes. "What's up?"

"I'm sorry, I just needed to get away from my dad" Mike apologized. The boy then suddenly looked over at me confused.

"Oh, who's the girl?" The scrawny blonde asked, making me feel a little awkward.

"She's that new girl that I was telling you about, "Mike said, striking me with confusion.

Wait they talked about me?

"Ah right, come in come in," Blondie said, inviting us in. "I'm Jeremy by the way."

"I'm [Y/N]" I smile walking into his house.

His house was rather messy with empty soda cans and a pizza box left on his coffee table. The house reeked of weed, which looking at him made a lot of sense. He seemed like the stoner type.

"Nice, nice," He replied as we both walked in. "So, what's up?"

"I need to get high" Mike replied almost immediately. My eyes widened as he said that.

"Wait, that's why we're here?!" I ask, my voice filled with shock. I knew we were getting away, but that was the last thing I had expected.

"Yeah," He spoke, looking back at me. "I thought you might need something to relieve your stress"

"I mean you're not wrong," I sigh, rubbing my temples. I was very stressed out currently, maybe I did need to get high.

The last time I remember was getting high at the one and only high school party I went to. I immediately got flashbacks to how embarrassing it was.

"I'll go get my stuff," Jeremy said, walking away.

"Are you sure we're safe here?" I ask, sitting down on the couch. He sat down next to me.

"For the night we should be" He consoled me. I look into his eyes.

"I'm just worried" I admitted, even if it was quite obvious.

"I know, but it'll all be okay, I promise" He smiled, holding my hands.

"I'm trusting you Afton" I chuckle.

Jeremy came back, bringing all of his weed out here. He lit a joint and we passed it around. To them, it looked like this was second nature. As they passed it to me, I took a hit and immediately coughed. It was stronger than I was expecting. They both laughed at me.

"I'm sorry I don't think I've smoked since my high school days" I defend myself, not being able to take myself seriously.

"We can see that" Michael laughed.

About an hour later, we were all giggling for no reason. My mind felt so at ease, nothing could ruin my high. Michael and I sat on the couch snuggled up together while Jeremy sat across from us.

"You know, you two would be a cute couple," Jeremy says as he looks over at us both.

"Ew no," I giggle, lying on the couch. "Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Look at you two! You two are all snuggled up together" He pointed at us.

"I'm just tired," I groan, resting my head on Mike's shoulder.

"God, your head is huge!" Mike exclaimed.

"It is not!" I reply, rolling my eyes. "My head is average-sized!"

"Ha ha, you wanna know what isn't average-sized?" He asked, not being able to hold in his laughter.

"Fuck no!" I laughed, playfully pushing him. He laughed as he fell back onto the arm of the couch.

"Fine, fine" He laughed even more.

Another hour had passed and the high had definitely gone down. I could tell because I started feeling anxious again. I look behind me to see Mike passed out.

"I have to go to bed," Jeremy spoke to me. "You can crash on the couch or in my guest room, I don't really care"

"Goodnight Jeremy" I smiled, still feeling a little giggly.

"Goodnight [Y/N]," He smiled back walking to his bedroom.

I look back over at Michael who was already passed out. I smile seeing how peaceful he looked. I decided to go lay down since it was just me awake now.

"Mmm... Stay" I heard behind me.

"What?" I ask, looking back to see Mike's eyes slightly open. I could tell he was fighting to stay awake.

"Stay... Please..." He mumbled, grabbing my hand.

"There's no room" I giggle.

"Snuggle with me," He said, scooting back so there was a little bit of room left for me. "Please, I don't wanna be alone."

I laid next to him, pulling the blanket over the both of us. Luckily, we both fit on the couch together, even if it wasn't very comfortable.

"Your hair smells nice" He mumbles as he falls back asleep. I chuckle at that, then close my eyes.

His embrace felt nice. It felt nice not being alone after everything that went down today. But I couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. 

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