CH 9

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Harry Styles

10-31 Crime in progress.

I've been itching to solve something, to fix something so badly that it has kept me up all night.

Driving blocks upon blocks just to solve petty crimes, to do something that doesn't harm the innocent people around me.

The street has never been more dead.

Not even a fucking cat in a tree.

So I decide to pull over, taking the block of powder out of my glovebox and I find my next victim.

I fucking hate this.

Slowly driving down the street I find a crowded street corner, tents containing homeless people and runaway kids. A block over is a women's shelter.

Playing to my strengths I walk down the alleyway, knowing one of my customers sets up camp here every night.

Seeing her familiar blue tarp I crouch down, "Mary, I've got your delivery." I whisper.

The tarp pulls open and the mangled young woman greets me, "You're a month fucking late." She deadpans.

"You want the drugs or not?" I ruffle my hair.

"Fine, hand 'em over, pretty boy." She reaches

I hand her the drugs and she places the money in my hand, $500.

No one knows how she gets the money, we don't ask.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Mary." I stand up and walk away.

As I open the door to the car, the unit goes off,

419 Noise complaint.

"Detective Styles do you copy?" Dispatch echos through the speaker.

I pick up the unit "10-4 this is Detective Styles."

"There is a suspected disturbance at the Parkview flats, they are in your area. Complaints of yelling, witness says there may be domestic assault."

Without any further judgement I get in the car and put the key in the ignition.

"10-4 in route." I pull the car around and floor it to the apartments.

There isn't enough time to contact Blaze and I can't wait for her to arrive; this has to be dealt with as quick and as quietly as possible.

I park the car in-front of the building and run inside, a frail old woman points me up the stairs without saying a word. A look of pure fear sits on her face.

I take the stairs, three at a time to get on the floor faster.

The yelling can be heard down the dingy hallway, heads poked out of their doors.

I ignore them and walk to the end of the hallway.

"You worthless cunt! You're just like your mother! You cant do anything right." The voice yells.

A child's scream echoes down the decrepit hallway.

I kick open the door, the hinges creak.

I'm met with the back of a muscular man and a dirty apartment.

He stands over what seems to be a small child, the cries and the screams continue as if I didn't even walk in.

"Say it! Fucking do what I tell you! Spit it out you worthless bitch!" He raises his hand, I draw my gun.

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