CH 10

6 0 1

Blaze Edith

June 4th, 2014.

"You cannot quit—You will not."

I can't stop my pacing, I haven't faced her in months and truly forgot just how infuriating she is. "Why? You'll kill me too? Like you've threatened to end Rye if she didn't run? You act like you give a shit about these women and then become the men you so desperately despise. Ever noticed that?" The veil that blinded me is no longer here. I wish nothing but to end her.

She stands behind her desk, tall posture and chin up. "I rescued you. All of you, and the one thing I ask for is loyalty. You have shelter, a family, a purpose, even got to keep your name as you wished, I did everything-"

"Enough." I draw my gun out, tears coat my eyes involuntarily, "I've had enough of being a pawn to your sick games, Olympia. And don't even think of sending the shelter after me when you know damn fucking well I'll make sure they burn right before your eyes." I speak through clenched teeth, inhaling sharply as I repress the urge to end this now. One move and this could be over.

"You don't turn on me."

I step forward, seeing red. I think of the triplets, Harry, the baby he is caught up with for fuck knows how long, I think of the men I do not wish to kill but would have to if I stayed.

"I quit for the three boys I'm saving from you, and I swear if I hear any of their names leave anyone's fucking lips I'll rip this shelter to shreds and put you behind bars. You let her run, now you leave us alone. Are we fucking understood?" My words hold a level of intensity she has never seen me own before, I'm not even sure I have.

She glances between my face and the gun, unfazed.

So, I shoot.

The mug on her table splatters everywhere. I take another step forward, "I said, are we fucking understood?"

She breathes out, "The situation is not over, but this discussion is, so I suggest you leave before I change my mind."

Seconds went by, and my body couldn't seem to move. Until my phone rang which tied me back down to reality and caused me to rush out of the room. No surprise when I see Harry's name on the screen.


"Is there any way you can come over and help? Harry hasn't slept and the baby doesn't seem to like me very much..." Marshall's voice is quiet and hesitant, the baby's cry is almost louder than him. I wonder if he's always this collected.

My pace picks up, I weave through the women while keeping my head down and gun hidden. I whisper an "On the way." and instantly hang up.

As I enter the car Truth takes the gun from me and returns it to its designed hidden spot. Stone and Riot argue in the back seat but I choose to tone this one down. My focus is on getting to Harry's.

"Truth, check under the car." I say as I turn the engine on.

He frowns, "What-"

"Tracker. Look for one."

He nods and exits the car. The arguing in the back stops, the silence is their attempt to catch on.

"We're clear."

"And the boot?"

"I said we're clear. drive away, Blaze." He reassures.

Less than a minute later chaos returned in the car, there were no answers to their questioning. I simply sat there as they spoke over each other, while the drive was filled with muffled voices and overwhelming pressure all I could think about was how awfully stable Olympia was.

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