Too many Inmates

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After about a week in jail, Michael had fenagled his way into being one of the prison's cooks. It was the closest he could get to working in his beloved bakery again, though the other inmates we nowhere near as fun to be around as his three best friends. Oh. His two best friends. For the hundredth time that week, Michael remembered the exact moment he realized davy was gone; he remembered the orange flames swallowing the hospital whole, black plumes of smoke filling the sky. And he remembered being punched in the stomach with the realization that his best friend and bandmate was stuck up there, being burned alive. 

Michael shook the thoughts from his head as he gathered up the day's food scraps and tossed them in the kitchen trash. 

"You're on garbage duty today, Mikey" called the head chef from the back 

Mike sighed, "Got it" 


After compiling all the kitchen's waste into one heavy, dripping black trash bag, Mike slowly made his way to the prison's dumpster, dragging the bag behind him. When he opened the lid of the dumpster, he dropped the bag completely and audibly gasped. 

"Aidan, what the fuck are you doing here?!?" he stumble backwards, this was the one familiar face he absolutely did not want to see right now. 

"Isn't it obvious, Michael?" Aidan Gallagher asked, wedged between multiple trash bags. "You saw me burn down the hospital, dipshit. The police found me like, a couple hours later." 

Mike came closer to the dumpster, "What the hell'r you doin' sittin'  in trash?" 

"Same thing you're doing working in the kitchen, mike. I'm recreating home." Aidan explained. "see this mayonnaise jar here acts as a-" 

"Hang on just a minute, shotgun," Michael interrupted. "I don't remember there being a plastic surgeon at the California Institution for Men, so where the hell did you get that brand new set of knockers?" 

"I- I don't know what you're talking about mike, these are all natural, I swea-" 

"We both know goddamn well you were flat as a pancake last time I saw you. So you're gonna start talking, Mr." 

Aidan sunk further into the trash "I... I.." He looked at Mike's twisting expression "I'm half angel half demon, okay? I took 'em from Davy,  they absorbed into my chest!" 

"That's funny," mike began, "Because I remember Davy being burnt to a crisp in the fire YOU STARTED" Mike yelled, inching closer to the other man. 

"i- I know.. I killed him before I started the fire." Aidan admitted. "I strangled him when he came to visit me, I had to dispose of the evidence somehow." 

"By killing hundreds of other innocent people?" Mike was flabbergasted, "What the hell is wrong with you?" 

"Well okay Mr. 'oh, I guess I'll just eat him, no one will know!'" Aidan mocked. 

Mike looked away, "I guess that's one for both of us then" 

"Look, I'm sorry I killed your friend, okay? For what it's worth, I have news from the outside that the other guys are having a funeral for Davy in a couple days." Aidan reasoned.

Mike raised one eyebrow "Where'd you hear that?"

"Oh, just, y'know, the other dumpster gremlins. Word gets around fast in the community." 

"Damn, I really gotta get more visitor hours." Mike grumbled. He looked back at the kitchen's back door. "Well, I need to get going Aidan. Chef's gonna get mad." He slung the huge bag he'd been carrying around over his shoulder and into the dumpster, hitting Aidan right in the bald head. "Let me know if you hear anything else about that funeral," He said, and slammed the lid shut. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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