The Milk and Peter Tork

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When the boys got to the hospital, Mrs. PikkleTikkler took them right to Aidan's room. as they opened the door, they saw one of the doctors at Aidan's feet. He jumped as high as a kite the instant he heard them come in.

"W- what are you doing here?" the man asked.

"We're here to visit our, uh, fr- um, veg- we're here to visit, uh, him" mike struggled to explain as he gestured to the still-sleeping boy.

"Well, i c-certainly wasn't sucking h-his toes, if that was what you were thinking. '' the doctor then ran out of the room, dropping his name tag on the floor.

Davy bent down to get a closer look at it "Scott Shapiro" he read aloud.

The boys walked over to the bed where Aidan was sleeping and sat down beside it.

"Uh, fellas i hate to dip on ya now, but i really gotta take a shit." Peter told his band mates. Then, Just like Scott Shapiro, peter ran out of the hospital room.


Peter shot down the hallway like the poop from his butt. "I GOTTA GOOOO" he screamed, frightening the nurses and doctors what were scattering the hall

He then raced into the bathroom and took the biggest shit imaginable.

"Wow, that was a big shit" he exclaimed in the stall, to no one in particular.

"Not as big as my sexy flugelhorn remarked said a voice in the stall next to him, that peter recognized as none other than Scott Shapiro's

Peter got out of the stall, washed his hands and ran back down the hallway. He did NOT want to associate with that man.

Just as peter was about to reach Aidan's room, he saw a peculiar vending machine.

It read "huge jugs (of milk) " inside were giant 5 gallon jugs of milk. Peter checked his pockets for money and found a $10 bill. He then put it in the vending machine, and out came a milk jug.

Peter took the jug, and walked with it into the room.

"Hey fellas, look what i found" he said, and started drinking from the jug

"PEETAH NO YOU'RE LACTOSE INTOLERANT" Davy screamed, and knocked the jug out of his hands.

The open jug fell directly on top of AIdan's head and spilled all over him

"You numb-nuts, look what you did!" mike scolded Davy, and smacked his hand away from the Peter

Peter started to cry, but stopped when he saw something in the corner of his eye. Aidan was stirring, and starting to wake up.

"Fellas! Look!" he pointed to the vegan

Mike and Davy froze as Aidan started to open his eyes

" Mike, Peter! Go get a doctor!" Davy ordered. The two boys left, leaving Davy alone wit the bald boy. 

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