Don't look a bald man in the mouth

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Davy woke up the next morning to the sound of Peter playing his banjo.

"Would it kill you to be a little quieter, it's 7AM for Christ's sake!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Davy, I just had the sudden urge to play."

Davy could tell Peter meant it.

"Right, well i'm gonna go get some breakfast" he said as he walked out the bedroom door.

Davy sat down at the table where Mike and Mickey had already started eating their cornflakes, and poured his own bowl.

"Morning" he said

The other two looked up and nodded in recognition.

The rest of the morning was quiet, until Davy thought it would be a good idea to clip his toenails.

He sat down on the couch and took off his socks, unaware of the danger lurking just a door away. Davy took a few minutes clipping away at the uneven and long edges of his nails. He watched the stinky shards drop to the floor, but thought nothing of it. Davy continued to trim away at his toenails until he was satisfied with his work. He was about to get up when he saw something move in the sick owl's closet.

Davy inched closer to the cracked door, scared of what he might find,

"None of you brought a frog home, did you?" he asked, eyes still glued to the closet.

"Well, I didn't," said Micky.

Mike shook his head no. "maybe peter did"

Davy opened the closet door, and screamed.

There was a bald man hunched on the ground in the dark.

"What the-" the man stood up. "Aidan?"

Aidan laughed. "Thanks for the treat"

Davy noticed a little piece of toenail dangling from one of his plump lips. He gasped in horror as he ran out the back door out onto the beach.

"That Aidan really is a strange fellow" Mike remarked. "First spying on us from the toilet, and now he eats your toenails."

"There is something seriously wrong with that guy" Davy said, still a little bit shaken up.

Micky just shook his head. "Vegans, huh?"

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