Monkee see, Monkee cry

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It had been a week since the incident, when The Monkees decided they should go visit Aidan. Davy wasn't prepared for what he would see there.

When the boys got to Aidan's hospital room, Davy had to bite his tongue to suppress a gasp. He knew Aidan was in a coma, but it didn't occur to him how lifeless he would look. As the boys sat down, Davy wanted to cry. Mike, usually being more of the leader spoke first.

"Um, I guess- well, I guess we should talk to 'im. That's what they do in the movies, right?"

The others nodded, although they weren't quite sure what to say to the sleeping vegan.

Peter's loving heart and unmatched confidence willed him to speak first.

"Hey Aidan, it's Peter here, y'know the one that works across the street? Well um, I just wanted to say that me and the guys forgive you for eating davys toenails and spying on us from the bathroom. Um also, I hope your dick grows back or they can replace it or something." As Peter finished he looked at Mike "do you wanna go next?"

Mike nodded. " This is um, mike nesmith and um, i know i haven't been all that nice to you, but seeing as your penis was snatched i thought you might want to hear that someone actually bought your vegan bread today. The other employees at your bakery were excited and they came over to tell us. Um....yeah. Mick, you wanna go?"

"Sure," said Micky. " alright, so this is micky and i just wanna talk to you about how much i hate that damn penis snatcher. I mean, what kind of sick freak would have the audacity to chop off someone's dingling. I hope that furry rots in hell and never gets to hold another pair of scissors again. Anyways, i guess it's davys turn now. "

Davy took in a big breath "Um, i know you can't hear me but this is davy and i don't know what to say so i'm just gonna play you a song that i think you'll like"

Davy took out his iphone4 and clicked on the track he wanted to play. Soon the room was filled with the sound of "five themes of geography" by James White. The song was so touching that the boys all cried as they sang along. 

Four Monkees One Amphibian BakeryWhere stories live. Discover now