The Monkees at the Hospital

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The Monkees had already set up shop when they heard Aidan's scream from down the street.

"Wha-? He's been- he's been neutered?" Mike was very confused.

The boys stopped what they were doing so they could see what had happened. They ran down the sidewalk and saw Aidan on the ground in a puddle of blood.

"It looks like he really has been neutered." Micky pointed out.

"Oh man, we gotta get 'im to theE.R!" Mike said as he picked up the still-squirming penisless man.

"Here, let me help." Peter took his legs, and Mike took his arms. They brought him to the bakery's parking lot where they had left the monkee mobile. Davy and Micky helped the other two lay him down in the far back seat.

"I call shotgun!" yelled Micky, running to the front seat where Mike had already taken the wheel.

Davy and Peter just sighed and took their seats in the second row. As Mike sped off towards the emergency room, the other boys tried not to laugh at the vegan's serious injury.


When they got to the E.R, Mike explained what had happened through suppressed giggles, while Aidan continued to scream. A helpful nurse took the vegan from them, and told them where to find him when they were done helping him.


The Monkees had been sitting in the waiting room for an hour, when the friendly nurse came back.

"I'm sorry boys" she had a sad look on her face. "Were going to have to move Aidan to the hospital, he's in a coma"

The four boys looked at each other in disbelief. Aidan was their rival baker, they couldn't possibly be expected to keep track of him.

"Excuse me..." Mike looked at the nurse's name tag "Mrs. Pikkle tikkler. We don't even know Aidan very well, doesn't he have an emergency contact or somethin'?"

"Oh, I see, i'll go look for his file" Mrs. Pikkle tikkler walked over to some file cabinets behind the hospital's reception desk, and started looking through them. When she found the right file, she brought it over to the boys.

"Hmm, that's interesting" she said, looking down at the open file.

"What's wrong?"Micky asked

"Under his emergency contact it just says 'sexy vegans' and has the number to the local mustard factory."

"Okay, well I guess we can visit him some at the hospital sometimes, but for now I think we'd better get back to the bakery" said Mike

Peter nodded "yeah, we didn't even put the closed sign up, so there are probably a lot of hungry frogs waiting for us."

The rest of the boys agreed, and they left the hospital to tend to the famished amphibians. 

Four Monkees One Amphibian BakeryWhere stories live. Discover now