Chapter 1

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I was stuck in a big and cold room made of solid gold. The seperate cuffs on my wrists were brightly colored. And my room only consisted of a bed, a bathroom, and a mirror. No windows to see the outside world.

Even then, I was still alone and stuck inside of my room. That actually made me feel even safer. Why? Because I was told that there would be no more experiments done on me that day.

Still, I remained paranoid that they'd break their promise again. Luckily, Don was still there to keep me company. No one else was able to see or touch him but me... well... unless I let him have control.

'Are you okay?' The sound of Don's wispy dark voice came from the other side of my bed. The same bed that I laid on. I looked at him and saw that he was the same as always.

His aura was black and dark orange, his face was still similar to mine, his size and age was similar to mine, and he still had on a black hoodie and rough black jeans

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His aura was black and dark orange, his face was still similar to mine, his size and age was similar to mine, and he still had on a black hoodie and rough black jeans. The only difference between us was me wearing all white.

"I'll be fine. I'm actually kinda happy today. I don't have to get experimented on." I let out a faint smile. Don's concerned look dimmed into a slightly relaxed one. 'Just remember, if you need anyone to talk to, I'm here.' Don assured me.

I nodded at his kind words. It's always been this way though. Don would be nice to nobody but me. Anyone else, he'd turn them into a filet mignon for the dogs.

But before I could say any nice words back, I heard someone open the door. I jolted back and screamed, not wanting to feel anymore that pain ever again.

Until I saw that it wasn't one of the big armored guys with guns, it was a doctor named Salma. I liked Salma. She was nice. Whenever I was scared, she was there. Whenever I was hurt too bad, she treated me. She was like a mom to me.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." She apologized, looking like she felt bad for the screams that I had unleashed. Instead of blaming and fearing her, I instead jumped off of my bed, and gave her a tight hug.

Salma staggered a little bit, but soon returned the hug with kindness. Soon we let go of each other and Salma got on her knees to match my height. "So how are you doing Jinjin?" She called me by my nickname.

"I'm doing good! Today is the day I don't have any experiments to go through! And I'm real happy, and and Don help me calm down right before you came." I pointed at the bed.

Don looked at Salma indifferently as she tried to see if he was on the bed or not. Out of all the adults here, he tolerated Salma the most. Didn't mean that he liked her though. He could tell that she couldn't see him, but instead felt his presence.

"Well, I have amazing news for you two." She mentioned me and Don. "I discussed some things with the higher ups, and you know those other kids that you see outside your window all the time?" Salma asked me. I nodded with a smile.

"You'll able to go outside with them now!" Salma did the pizzaz hands thing again. I loved when she did the pizzaz hands for some odd reason, and Don always got a good laugh out of it. I jumped up and down once I heard the news.

"I wanna go! I wanna go!" I repeated and grabbed her hand, wanting her to take me outside already. Salma was caught off guard, but she gladly obliged and took me out of the room.

Don phased through the door and followed along. The facility was still the same. Like usual, the halls were covered in gold instead of black. Scientists would be giving me weird looks left and right.

Then came the murmurs. I didn't like the murmurs. I would always be told constantly that I wasn't like the others. Instead of calling me one of the gifted ones... they said I was cursed.

They said that I was a human 'hazard'. Where ever I went, there'd be a disaster. Some tried acting nice to me, but even I knew they were faking. The only reason people ever thought of doing that in the first place was because of Don.

Otherwise, I would've been treated like all of the other kids here. It's why I was given a full room unlike the others, and somebody to talk to. It still meant that I had to go through more... 'personal' experiments.

I just wanted to get away from all of the bad people, and all of the bad thoughts. Up ahead, I saw a flight of stairs that we had to go down. As I got closer to see what was below, I saw a label saying 'enter/exit'.

I was impatient as heck to go outside. I wanted to see what the other kids could do up close. To see if I could make any friends. To not be singled out as a monster. When we got down the stairs, we were so close to leaving.

"Oh! I almost forgot." Salma had taken off my handcuffs with a key from her pocket. I was so happy she did that too. It was about time I was freed from that thing. "Sal!" A random adult called Salma's name.

"What're you doing? You know that taking off curse #1029's cuffs is a forbidden rule in here! Don't you remember last time?!" He whined. "He's only a kid. And he was scared! What'd you think he was gonna do?!" Salma defended.

"It was just a little blood sample! How were we supposed to know that he was so-" "OMO!!" Salma yelled at him. "I'm not in the mood for your crap today. I'm her to take him outside, and that's IT!" She told him off and took me outside.

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