Chapter 5

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"Okay! So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked. "I don't know." Majin did the typical thinking face. "Oh I have an idea! Let's fight and see-" "No." I cut Travis off immediately. "Why not? Scared you'll lose?" Tenebris grinned.

"No it's not that! I just.. don't wanna hurt anyone." I looked down for a moment. "Hey, it's okay. We can just show off our powers instead for today." Zaina laid a hand on my shoulder. "Right. Let's do that." I nodded in agreement.

"Lame." I heard Travis mutter. "So who's gonna go first?" Lisanna asked. "I suggest that Ajin goes first since we haven't seen his abilities in action yet." Tenebris proposed.

"Are you sure about that? He's like, REALLY super duper strong. He even beat Alex in a fight." Lisanna noted. "That should be another reason to see him in action. For all we know he could be stronger than Leo, and Athena." Tenebris declared.

"Well we can't just force him to do so if he doesn't want to. It should be his choice." Majin turned to me. Soon, all of the others had their eyes pinned on me, awaiting my answer. I honestly didn't know what to do.

'If you want my advice, why not?' Don spoke as he stood right in front of me. 'Besides, if they do try to fight, it won't matter. There are plenty of ways to win at something after all. Just get creative.' Don winked and started leaning on the building wall.

I took his advice to heart and made my decision. "Okay, I changed my mind. I'll fight one of you. Then we can go from there." I finally decided. "Alright! Looks like you're not so lame after all." Tenebris clapped.

"Are you sure Ajin? You know you don't have to if you don't want to." Lisanna spoke to me. "I'll be fine. I already know who I'm gonna face." I looked directly at Tenebris.

"Oh? So you wanna fight me??" Tenebris began to laugh. "I guess I can humor you a bit. It's the least I can do after pranking you." Tenebris started walking towards the grass. Me and the others were right behind him.

The others stopped at the edge of the court while me and Tenebris faced each other off amidst the grassy terrain. Once we got into fighting stances, he all of a sudden started started stretching and cracking his knuckles.

It made me question what his power was for a second, but I shrugged the thought off of my mind. I already knew how to win. "He's going to use a new power." Zaina said aloud. Lisanna was flabbergasted, but the others were confused.

"Wait, so he has more than one power too?!" Tenebris's look of surprise turned into a face full of excitement. "This'll be interesting. I hope you're as strong as they said you are." Tenebris cloned himself with his own shadow.

I remained focused and calm, ready to do what ever I had to do in order to win. To show what I was made of. Shen Tenebris's shadow started running towards me, I blitzed right through it and turned invisible at the last moment.

"W-woah... he's fast-" While Tenebris was caught off guard, I trapped him in a mental illusion for a few seconds. What I thought of for the illusion was a pride of lions jumping on him and eating him alive while he couldn't use his powers.

Once I thought he had enough, I let him out of the illusion. After blankly staring into nothing, he screamed. I reappeared at his side, but that didn't calm him down at all as he dropped to the floor.

"W-what the... what the heck?!" Tenebris sounded confused. "I can use my powers to mess with your mind if that's what you're trying to ponder." I stated.

"The fudge is a ponder?!" Tenebris yelled confused. "It means to think..." I replied. Tenebris grumbled as he got up from the ground. "Well that was rigged. I didn't even know your powers!" He complained.

"And I didn't know yours." I added. Tenebris had no comment for my statement. Therefore, I assumed that I won. "Now what... oh! I know what else we can do." I looked at the others who stood on the sidelines.

"The rest of you guys can show me your powers! You know, since I've already shown mine." I offered. "Yeah I guess that's fair, but you've already seen mine." Lisanna stated.

"Your safe. The others can show if they wanna." I assured. "I can." Majin said confidently. "I have no problem with that." Zaina agreed. "Yeah sure." Travis nodded with his arms crossed.

"I'll do it too. He didn't even see my other ability." Tenebris replied. "I guess that works too." I indicated. "Alright, I'll go first." Majin suggested. Before I could say anything else, he was gone in a flash.

He was moving around the entire courtyard at the speed of sound, but I was still able to keep up with his whereabouts. By the time he was done, he was with the others. "Super speed." Majin said, with me assuming that he said his power.

"Yeah I'm not gonna lie, that was actually really cool." I commented. Majin gave me a thumbs up, and I gladly complemented his action.

"I believe you already know that I can see the future. Right?" Zaina asked me. "Kind of, why?" I responded. Zaina suddenly looked Majin in the eyes, and he started slapping his knees.

"I can control people at will." Zaina said plainly while Majin started regaining consciousness. "Ow! Why is my face hurting again?!" Majin looked at Zaina who started whistling innocently out of nowhere.

I chuckled at the little banter the two siblings began to have. "Anyways, it's my turn." Travis declared. After he stepped back away from the others, multiple versions of him appeared from his body. "Woah!" I was a little stunned.

"I can duplicate myself with clones. Pretty cool right?" Travis's clones began to dissipate. "Heh, not as cool as this." Tenebris argued. Then about a moment later, the court's basketball started flying towards him, landing in his hand.

I was astonished. "I can move things without being able to touch them. So if you weren't so fast, I probably would've been able to lift you... LIKE THIS!" Tenebris tried to lift me up. Instead, I flew up.

I began to fly around the intentionally, showing off my aerial skills. Once I was done with that, I landed a little faster than normal, leaving a small crack on the middle of the court.

"So you're gonna be a hard one to prank from now on.." Tenebris rubbed his chin. I sighed at his exasperating behavior.

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