Chapter 10

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Okay so I'm gonna try my best to describe the race as quickly as possible. So as soon as the race started, it was a struggle to see who really had the upper hand.

Then all of a sudden, Majin started running faster, and I SWORE that I saw lightning in his eyes. I didn't pay much attention though and instead kept running. Sooner or later, I was able to catch up to him quickly.

Still, Majin refused to give up so easily. As we kept going faster and faster at each other's necks, we barely even knew that it was a tie for the first few seconds. And somehow, just SOMEHOW, Lisanna was able to SEE all of that!

At this point we were all debating on who was really the fastest. "There is absolutely no way that he's faster than him. He literally just got here!" Alex commented. "That doesn't matter if he still has the skills to back it up." Mage replied.

"I just can't believe it.. Lis, are you sure that it's a tie?" Leo asked her. "I'm sure, I literally kept track of the entire thing myself." Lisanna answered as she and male Nagima descended down towards the ground again.

"Well, if that's the case... you and I are officially rivals now!" Majin pointed at me. "What?" I was confused. "I think he means that he wants to challenge you some more." Skyla clarified.

"Oh.. we can do that later." I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head. "Exactly, now it's time that we fight!" Leo punched his fists, getting his entire body ready to be ignited. "No Leo." Lis declared.

"BUT WHY??! Literally everybody here has been able to challenge this guy except for me. So why can't I get a turn?!" Leo complained. "He's literally tired Leo, I don't think that it's worthwhile to fight someone who's tired." Nagima explained.

"Tch, whatever." Leo's flames began to settle down once more. "Anyways, y'all trynna play some more basketball?" Mage asked. "No I'm good." I responded quickly. "Huh? Why not?" Alex questioned.

"Because last time, someone wouldn't stop duplicating the ball." I looked directly at Skyla. "What? You had me cornered, what else was I supposed to do?!" Skyla defended. "And to be fair, no one said we couldn't use our powers." Mage added.

"Still, it got so annoying, and mind breaking!" I exaggerated. "It can't be that bad for you, especially since you already won the game yourself." Mage spoke. "But at what cost Mage... what cost was that..?" I stared at him blankly.

Not even a moment later, we all bursted out laughing. To be completely honest, I still meant what I said. It was getting downright annoying when Skyla kept duplicating the ball. Especially when I got confused on what was the real ball.

Still, that didn't stop me from laughing on with the group. Since it was already genuine enough anyways. It felt nice to just laugh with my friends... to enjoy the moment while it lasted.

"Okay. Well since Ajin's out, what about everyone else?" Mage asked around. "I guess I'm in." Leo volunteered. "Me too!" Skyla jumped up. "Hope you're ready to lose." Alex stood up. "Let's do this guys!" Majin encouraged. "Meh, I'm out." Lisanna shrugged. "Same here." Nagima agreed.

"Aw that sucks. Well I hope you three can have fun somehow." Mage said as him, Leo, Alex, Majin, and Skyla walked towards the court. "So uhm... what do y'all wanna do now?" Lisanna touched her hands behind her back, moving a bit.

"I don't know what y'all plan to do, but I'm just gonna practice my flying skills." Nagima told us. But then I remembered what Don suggested to me, and I grabbed their arm before they could take flight. "What the-" Nagima looked confused.

"I need you to tell me what happened here. When you said something about escaping, I could tell something was up." I pleaded. Nagima took a moment to think about it, but soon they got back down to the floor and sat down facing me.

"Are you.. really going to tell him?" Lisanna asked. "It's only fair, and I think he has a right to know." Nagima patted on the ground, signaling me to sit. I sat down right in front of them, and Lisanna sat next to both of us.

"This was about a year ago I think. There were many more kids here than you might think Ajin. There used to be more than 35 kids within these walls, and whenever we got the chance, we played together." Nagima told.

"There was even this one boy, named Jeremy. He was amazing and kind. Whenever I had just left the experiment room, he'd always be around to comfort and heal me whenever.. since he had a healing power." Nagima stated.

"Everything seemed wonderful with him. Nothing else was important... until one day, Jeremy told me that he saw one of the kids being dragged out of the lab, as lifeless as a dead body." Nagima described.

"That's when we knew that we had to leave.. so I gathered almost everyone that I could to start a rebellion and find a way out. Literally everyone knew about it, but some wanted to stay out of it... luckily Lisanna wasn't one of them." Nagima nodded at her.

"And that's when we all started working together in phases and shifts. Thanks to that, we learned about almost every room within the facility, and found the right time to rebel. The plan was literally going great..." Nagima's face faltered.

"That was until Mar had ratted us out... but I can't say I'm mad at her. It was either that, or the scientists told her that they'd kill every last one of us. Even then, she still got shot. Who was next? Almost all of us were shot down too." Nagima said solemnly.

"That moment was the first time me, Aria, Lisanna, and Athena lost our minds. We were about to destroy half of the entire building... until the warden showed up. Once he took care of us, he let us live for some reason, hoping to 'use' us later..." Nagima shuddered at the thought.

"That's when... he decided to kill someone else instead. It was Jeremy. Jeremy was running to us, trying to save us from him and our injuries. Once the warden saw how I looked at him he... he... ripped his head off." Nagima began to cry.

Me and Lisanna moved closer towards Nagima and hugged them. We didn't want to see her sad... especially me. I didn't know why, but the more I heard Nagima's cries, the more angry I felt... towards the adults.

"Nagima. Lisanna." I alerted them both as Nagi whipped their tears with their shirt. "I think I'm ready to find out how to leave this place." I said, feeling determined.

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