Chapter 4

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By the time the next day occurred, I was up and ready to go outside. I waited at the door like an impatient puppy for Salma to come and pick me up to meet the others. Once she did, I was literally the happiest kid alive.

I couldn't wait to see the others again. Finally I found my place. I finally found friends that have powers like me... friends that didn't think of me as a monster. "Did you enjoy your first time outside?" Salma asked me with a smile.

"Yeah, I really enjoyed it!" I replied happily. "That's really good! I'm glad that you're making new friends, but next time, please don't kick them in the stomach." Salma told me. "Oh okay.. is Alex alright?" I asked, feeling guilt swell up.

"Don't worry, she's fine. Like you, she can recover at a rate that most humans can't. And on top of that, our doctors already took care of her yesterday. So to avoid any more hypothetical fights, she'll be absent today." Salma stated.

"Oh okay, but why can't I fight her?" I was still vastly curious. "You and the others have powers, but your still vastly stronger than them. So you have to play it safe in order to not hurt them too much. Okay?" Salma wondered if I listened.

"Okay." I agreed with no complaints. "I didn't really like fighting that much anyways. I didn't even have that on my mind at the time. I was fully focused on going outside and meeting more new friends.

Down the hall I received some pretty nasty looks from the scientists and doctors all around, but as quick as we walked through, we left them all behind. They weren't even on my mind. Finally, we made it to the exit doors.

By the time we walked out, I saw a black ghost come out of nowhere and scream at my face. I was over the moon scared I could've sworn I had a heart attack. Then I heard laughing from someone at the building corner.

It happened to be a boy with black eyes, raven colored hair, and a white skin complexion. He was literally laughing his butt off while the black ghost went under him and mimicked a regular shadow.

"Don't mind him, he does that often." I heard Lisanna's voice. I turned around and gazed at the same Lisanna that I had gotten to know yesterday. "Hey Lis!" I greeted. "Hello!" She greeted back.

"I'll give you two some privacy. And Tenebris! No pranking when it comes to Ajin!" Salma spoke in her mom voice. "Yeah yeah okay." The boy dubbed 'Tenebris' smirked. Salma nodded and walked back into the building with a smile.

"Did you get some rest last night?" Lisanna asked me. "Oh-yeah! I had an amazing sleep. What about you?" I returned the question. "Same. I was still impatient for the next day to come though." Lisanna added on.

'She sounds just like you.' I heard Don as he leaned on the building wall. "Well I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't excited for today to come. I honestly missed y'all." I commented. "And so did we." I heard Zaina's voice.

There she was on the court. She was walking towards me along with.. someone else? He had a dark complexion like me, but his hair was puffy and black, and his eyes were the same green as Zaina's.

"Is this the guy you were telling me about?" He asked Zaina. "Mhm." Zaina nodded. Once they got close enough, the boy took a moment to observe me. "Hmm, Ajin is it?" He tried to sound professional.

"Yes..?" I was a little confused. "Very well. Shabbat Shalom." He extended a hand. "Oh uh, Shabbat... s-shalom..?" I didn't know what the word meant, but I shook his hand anyways.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Majin. I'm pretty sure you met my sister already." The boy named Majin glanced over at Zaina for a moment. "Oh yeah-wait... Zaina's your sister?" I said, clearly shocked.

"Yeah, can't tell?" His head tilted with a raised eyebrow. I took a moment to check the resemblance. The green eyes made sense, but the rest was a lost cause to me. "Um I guess..?" I shrugged.

"Meh. We're often told that we don't look alike, so it's not biggie anyways." Majin shrugged it off. "Mhm!" Zaina agreed. "I see.. well it's nice to meet you guys too." I returned the favor.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Zaina asked me. "I guess, uhm..." I looked around to see if there was anyone else to know about. No one was at the front, and I couldn't find the other kids I had met yesterday, but I kinda had a feeling I knew why.

Despite that, I resorted to looking at Tenebris who wasn't just still in the corner, but he was socializing with somebody. It was another boy who had black hair and a white complexion, but also had grey eyes as well.

I wanted to say that I wished to talk to him, but I was still feeling petty about that stunt he pulled on me earlier. "If you want we can talk to him together. He wouldn't dare to prank all of us in broad daylight." Lis suggested, seeing the way I looked at him.

I mustered up all the guts I had, and walked over towards the two. When they saw me coming, they stopped talking. "Um... hey.. I'm Ajin. What's your names?" I extended a hand. Tenebris looked at the other boy for a second. Then they nodded.

"Tenebris, but I think you know that already." He shook my hand. I nodded, agreeing with his statement. "And I'm Travis." The other boy shook my hand too.

"If you want, you can come and play with us." I suggested, feeling like my petty nature was becoming lightened. "Sure why not." Travis shrugged. Tenebris took a moment to think about it.

"Well that depends... am I allowed to prank-?" Tenebris questioned. "No!" Me and the others simultaneously said instantly. "Y'all are no fun... fine I'm in." Tenebris sighed.

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