Chapter 14

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We all looked at each other with looks of confusion and fear

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We all looked at each other with looks of confusion and fear. I'd love to say that we didn't have a clue about what was really going on, but I would be called a liar. Me, Lisanna, and Nagima slowly stepped back from the group.

I looked at Zaina and quickly realized, this was the real reason she told me to stay inside. She was able to see the future so she had to know. "Okay, let's calm down here. We can figure this out reasonably." Majin said nervously.

"What is there to figure out really?" Travis questioned. Everyone started looking at him strangely. "What are you talking about..?" Skyla looked at him suspiciously.

"Just think about it for a minute Skyla. It's either we take them out, or we all get taken out. This is something that can do to avoid anyone else dying." Travis explained. This already began to show his true intentions and colors.

Skyla took a moment to think about it while the rest of the group started questioning themselves. Me, Lisanna, and Nagima looked at ourselves. "Are they seriously gonna consider doing this..?" Lisanna asked.

"I think so, but they wouldn't do that right? They're our friends." I said, hoping to be right. "True, but desperateness can be dangerous. I read it in a book once." Nagima said as they looked back at the others.

"The warden knows what he's doing, he's trying to pin them against us like last time. Luckily, we have you on our side." Nagima looked at me confidently. I was aware that I could win this entire thing, but did I want to?

I began to think about all the times we had spent together. What would it all be for... if I just decided to take away their freedom like that. If there was anything I wanted to do, it was help them. Not to win against them and save myself.

'Hey! I know what you're planning to do. And you better not do it either, you know it's basically suicide.' Don addressed. "I know that Don. I really do, but if there's even the slightest chance they can live... I don't wanna take that away from them." I replied solemnly.

Nagima and Lisanna looked at me weirdly. "Don?? Who's Don?" Lisanna asked. "What are you talking about?" Nagima added. Instead of answering their questions, I simply ignored them, listening in on the others.

"It's not like we'll even be able to take him down anyways. He's practically a god." Mage protested. "Well for one, don't call him that. Two, I suggest you shouldn't attack him in the first place. If you do, something really bad is going to happen." Zaina advised.

"Yeah, I'd rather believe the psychic than just fresh words. Besides, we're stronger than the other humans. And may I add with Ajin on our side? We'd be unstoppable." Aria said her thoughts aloud.

"Hey Tenebris! What do you think about this?" Travis called out to him, who was leaning on the wall. "You can leave me out of this." Tenebris replied. "Dude don't chicken out! This applies to you too!!" Travis tried to talk him in.

"There's really no point in any of this. Either way, we'll be fighting for our lives just to go back into our cells." Tenebris responded. "You don't know that dude!" Travis denied. Tenebris sighed. "You wouldn't understand.." Tenebris shook his head.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" Travis questioned. "Well either way, it doesn't matter. I'm for sure not gonna fight them." Majin walked over to our side. Zaina joined him kindly. The others... were questionable.

Things were already bad enough, but it had also gotten worse. "Oh and just so you know, Ajin's weakness is Neon. So good luck Mage!" The warden announced before disconnecting again. I wanted to break everything, but I gave up.

It looked like Mage and Skyla were still thinking about it, but the others seemed sure of themself. "I'm really sorry, but it's nothing personal." Leo's flames began to ignite. Alex's lightning started to crackle.

And when it looked like when he was done thinking, Mage convinced Skyla that they wolf have a chance at winning. After that, he took off his mask. I was finally able to see his face. His face was beautiful, and his eyes resembled a galaxy.

Despite all that, I still remembered that he had picked his side... the side that wanted to kill me. Instead of holding a grudge and getting angry, I walked closer towards the enemies I used to call friends.

"Wait, Ajin what're you doing?!" Lisanna grabbed my arm, but I pushed her away. It hurt my heart do that.. but it felt like I had to. "Somebody close her eyes. I don't want her to see this." I warned.

While they bickered about that, I stood right in front of Mage. All I did... was spread out my arms and waited for death. "I'm not gonna deny you, nor the others a chance at going free. If you really can manipulate Neon, do it please." I offered.

The others just stood there shocked, not knowing what to say. Skyla stood back, thinking about what her decision was again. "No... we can't. I don't wanna do this anymore!" Skyla began to sob.

"It's the only way... don't worry Sky. I'll be okay." I smiled with tears pouring down my face. Mage put his hand on the ground, and made the gold melt and spread across his arm, and shifted the metal into a sharp blade.

In the blink of an eye, it turned to Neon. "I promise not to hurt you.." I saw Mage's face stream with tears as well. I smiled and closed my eyes, waiting for my time to come. By the time I heard him swing, I felt myself get pushed.

I opened my eyes, and saw that it was Lisanna who pushed me out of the way. She had fallen on top of me, trying to save me from the slash. Another thing I had felt... was her tears soaking my white shirt.

I put my hand near her hip, and felt something else that was wet. I checked my hand... and it was red. I looked at her hip, and it was bleeding. She had been slashed by Mage instead in order to save me.

I had begun to question myself again off the rip. I blamed myself, I pondered myself, I couldn't believe a thing as I stared at her wound. My mind went hazy. My sight was growing narrow. And then...

It felt like my whole line of reason... just shattered right before my very eyes.

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