Chapter 18

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Don looked at Scott and they stared at each other for a moment. I couldn't tell who was more afraid of who. Scott's faced deformed from humorous to serious. The amount of malice I could feel from both sides, it was overwhelming.

Scott let out his gray and green aura, demonstrating his power in comparison to ours. I was able to tell the gap between him and I, but I didn't know the gap between his and Don's power quite yet.

That was until Don unleashed his black and red aura, clearly telling Scott to back off. Power and electricity ran through the both of them. The others in the background that witnessed this, were at a loss for words.

Don teleported right in front of Scott, and they started fighting each other at a speed that couldn't be comprehended. The focus was critical for Scott, but Don was only almost fully focused.

Once their fists connected, a huge shockwave was felt throughout the area. Don and Scott soared over the Asylum and clashed with every chance they had. A difference between theirs and mine... was the measure of ruthlessness they exhibited.

I may have been fighting to kill, but I didn't know much about killing intent. That was something Don and Scott were heavily experienced in. The air began to rage the faster they moved around. Finally, Don landed a punch to the face, and sent him down to the ground.

Not wanting that fade to run away, Don hastily descended down towards Scott and threw multiple sharp punches at him in little time. What seemed like an instant happened before my very eyes when I viewed dark lines of aura charged punches dig into Scott's slightly gold skin.

Despite that, Don still flew down to the ground and kicked him dead in his stomach. Blood flew out of Scott's mouth. Don began to step on his stomach repeatedly. I was able to hear the crunching in his bones.

I could see from my own body, the blood that sprawled. Even out of my body I witnessed the surprise, horror, and awe of my friends faces. Don may have been enjoying it, but I could tell that his stomps were personal.

All the torture he had put us through, the pain he made us feel in this experiments. The orders he carried out were still in our head. Engraved into our memories for us to look through. Don wanted his get back, and frankly so did I.

However, something else was amiss. Scott's fingers move erratically, and bright glowing red chains sprouted from the ground and took a hold of Don's limbs. Don looked like he was struggling for a moment, but he broke out of them.

Next, came a transformation on Scott's end. Don felt unsure and hovered away from Scott's new looking body. He was covered in weird looking tattoos of gold. His eyes shifted green and gold periodically.

And on top of that, he had a dark wisp around him. I wasn't able to tell if Don started to feel uneasy, or just confused that someone was possibly on the same turf of strength as him. "I suggest we end this." Scott punched him in the face.

Don reciprocated the action, and punched him back. Scott grabbed Don by the neck and threw us away across the air. We stopped ourselves, but Scott clapped his hands and multiple shards of light were shot at us.

The shards of light hit our flesh, but it didn't run through us. That was the first time. The first time I had seen Don feel any type of pain, or feel any type of worry. This indeed peaked his fears a little bit... but it also unlocked something else.

Don began to move at top speed as he zoomed to attack Scott in his new tattooed form. Scott was able to see the attack coming, but the strength that was dealing with was unrivaled. Don was angry now.

They fought until the moon began to shine a spotlight onto us all. It felt like the world and its spirits were watching the battle take place as if this was only gonna be done once in a lifetime. Fire began to escape Scott's body.

On the other hand, Don was getting more and more ruthless as Scott kept breathing. An enormous amount of dark electrical energy escaped our body. Our stress began to soar altogether, and we punched the heated Scott.

He was put into the ground once more, but this time he landed on his feet. "CORRUPTED BLAST." Scott began to gather a huge amount of mysterious energy. It looked like hellfire and darkness... made an egg together.

Don put his hands together and managed to gather actual hellfire as well. Whatever happened next, I knew it was going to be big. I was watching. The other were watching. Majin and Athena were watching with them currently!

Don and Scott roared at each other with all of their might, and let their attacks rip at each other. The clash and struggle that the two combatants made were insane and chaotically dark. I didn't know how it was going to end.

Darkness and energy surged around the entire area. The building started to collapse bit by bit. The air was at war with itself and the constant difference in energy. As much as he tried, I could see we were getting overpowered.

Scott roared in fury and his beam overtook ours in another moment's thrust. We were knocked out of the air and onto the ground. Our skin was scorched, and blood leaked from our teeth.

I was on the ground alongside the others who were trying to see if I was okay. I looked up and saw that Scott had landed right in front of us, killing Leo, Alex, Aria, and Travis once he stepped on the shadow giant that contained them.

He extended a hand to finish us off. I felt like our lives were over. Don felt like our lives were over... but the. I felt the air get colder. I thought it was death finally taking a hold of us, but it was the opposite of that. Life gave us a chance.

In just a single millisecond, a blade of ice sliced straight through his neck. And then... his head fell clean off. Another man appeared by him. He had a dark complexion, unruly black hair, tall height, and cyan blue eyes.

"Geez, I'm sorry I came by so damn late." The wind swirled around him lightly as he looked at us. We all moved back in fear, but he calmly extended a hand. "It's okay I swear! My name's Silver Tenku. I wanna get you out of here.." He said his name softly, as the blood on his hands turned cold.

•The end•

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