Chapter 8

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I was already back in my room at the time, and it was close to midnight. At least that's what my clock told me. I was pacing back and forth in my room, unable to settle my uneasiness.

What Aria and and Nagima were talking about earlier that day. It apparently got to me. I was about to say the same for Don's advice too. What he said... it was giving me hints on doing something, but I couldn't figure it out.

I pondered for hours on that subject. That was until Lisanna kept appearing into my mental vision. For some reason I couldn't get her out of my mind. It was getting annoying, but at the same time, it was making me feel something.

It was starting to feel similar to how I'd usually feel towards Salma. Except this feeling felt... different. As if I wasn't having a hard time thinking enough, I then began to think about the both of them, clouding my train of thought.

'Miss her?' Don asked, sitting on the floor. "W-what're you talking about?" I asked nervously. 'I can literally sense what you feel, so there is no use trying to lie to me.' Don gave me the 'I know what you're thinking' face.

"N-no, I mean-yes but.. ughh!!" I scratched my head trying not to let him interfere with my thoughts. Don just sat there and laughed at me while I was stuck in confusion. 'If you want I can tell you why she's on your mind.' Don offered.

"No! I... it's already hard enough when-" 'When you already miss Salma too much. I know. This happens every time you're out of her sight, or even alone on some days.' Don claimed.

"I know... it's just.. I miss her sometimes." I confessed. Don got up off the ground and sat down on the bed. 'Come on. Have a seat.' Don patted a spot next to him. I decided to listen and take a seat.

'Listen, I know that she's like a mommy to you. Heck, she probably is your mommy at this point. Still, you and I both know that some good things aren't worth keeping. You're lucky to even see her everyday. Usually she's only allowed to come by a few times a week.' Don emphasized.

'However, I can still help you by saying this:' Don wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 'It'll be okay. You just have to find a way to manage through and through, that's all.' I was able to feel Don's embrace. It was slightly faint, but there.

'Now as for Lisanna-' "I don't wanna talk about it." I declared. 'Okay okay fine. Tell me what you think about what those kids were talking about.' Don said curiously.

"I don't know, it's not like I'm able to see what happened for myself." I said hopelessly. Then all of the confusing thoughts came rushing in again. I gripped onto my head and squinted my eyes shut, clearly annoyed by the sudden effect. Soon I heard shouting.

It sounded like it was outside of my door. It sounded like.. Omo... and Salma! I immediately ran over to the door, but then Don's words from earlier today kicked in. Clues were everywhere... I just needed to 'listen'.

I decided to do just that and press my ear against the door. "What do you mean I'm gonna be reassigned?!" I heard Salma fume in fury. "It's not our choice, the higher ups." Omo reasoned.

"Screw the higher ups! Why the hell am I leaving now at a time like this?!" Salma raged. As soon as she mentioned leaving, it felt like my heart stopped. I was hesitant on hearing any more info, but I still did it anyways.

"Look, something just came up for section B. There's been a breakthrough and they need your expertise to carry out phase 3." Omo described. "I don't care about the experiment! I should be here, watching him grow. Making new friends!" Salma mentioned me.

I formed a small smile at her response. "Look, I know he reminds you of your son, but you have to accept that he's gone. This isn't the same kid. He's a monster. Not a human." Omo said hurtfully.

I felt my heart break and shatter after I heard those words out of his mouth. I heard the word almost every other day, but that didn't make it any better. "I need to take that back, right f*cking now." Salma cursed.

"He's not a monster, he's just a boy! A boy who doesn't know what he's capable of. A boy who's still learning to separate right from wrong!" Salma exclaimed. "That still doesn't change the fact he has a beast inside of him that can kill us whenever he wants!" Omo argued.

Then all of a sudden, I heard radio noises. I wasn't able to make out what the sounds were saying, but after that, it sounded like Salma was forced to leave. And then the noise came back again. This time, I was able to figure out what Omo said.

"Doctor Salma has left the premises... yes.. affirmative... Initiate Project CA." Omo then began to walk off. "What was that??" I questioned. 'I don't know... but I doubt we'll be happy to find out.' Don said.

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