Chapter 3

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"What?!" I was caught off guard. "Simple. I wanna fight you." Leo said again. "But why? I didn't even do anything!" I exclaimed. "I know that obviously, but you look really strong." Leo stated.

"And??" I was hoping to hear an actual reason. "And that's it. I wanna see how strong you really are in a one on one. So will you?" Leo asked me once more.  "No! I don't wanna fight any of you!" I shook my head vigorously.

"Wait, why shouldn't we fight him when you say you can?" Mage asked skeptically. "Because it's obvious how I'm the strongest one here. The rest of you are probably gonna bore him soon after." Leo responded.

"I don't think you heard him. He said that he doesn't want to fight you!!" Lisanna's eyes started glowing a bright and hot red. "Hey don't get your eyes all riled up now. It's all fun and games until you interrupt the men talking." Leo remarked.

"What did you just say?" Lisanna walked up to him. "I think you heard me." Leo's entire body lit up in flames once more. "Hey! Let's not fight. You're angering him." Lele looked at me.

I noticed how I had my fists clenched up and my aura was still active, so I calmed down and dissipated my aura for the time being. Once they saw that, Leo and Lisanna backed off of each other.

"Look, I'm not a fan of fighting. I actually despise making others feel pain, letalone experiencing it... but if it means you'll be quiet about this, I'll fight one of you." I gave in. "I call dibs." Alex raised her hand.

"No." Mage smacked her hand down. "Well you don't have to be so mean about it!" Alex rubbed the back of her head. "Alex can fight me." I blurted. "What?" Mage was aghast.

"It's only fair since she was the first one here that not only called me out, but also asked me if she wanted to fight in the first place." I described. "I guess, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to you know.." Mage commented.

"Relax! You worry too much... don't worry. I'll make it as quick as possible if that makes you feel better." Alex cracked her knuckles. I didn't know why, but I felt offended by her words. "So where do we fight..?" I questioned.

"We can fight in the grass. It feels better that way. Don't want your head to get hurt when you fall down now do we?" Alex smirked as we walked on the grass. I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

"Alex. I know he may look strong but please, go easy on him." Mage worried. "Don't be such a baby, I'll make sure not to 'shock' him too much." Alex clapped her hands, and blue electricity trailed from her fingertips throughout her body.

I could tell just by looking at her that she was built different. Even then, I didn't back down. Since Alex got into her fighting position, I got into my fighting position. I could've sworn I did a boxer's stance unknowingly too.

"Hey Ajin! Aren't you gonna show your aura thingy?" Lisanna said from afar. Then I thought back to what Alex said before. "Don't worry Lis, I don't need to." I said pettily. Full of rage, Alex ran up on me and tried to grab me by the neck.

I was quick enough to move out of the way and and counter punch her in the face. She was launched back by a a few meters which made me worry, but she jumped back up and dashed back towards me.

That's when we started fighting in hand to hand combat at a rapid speed. The lightning that surged through her body felt completely different from the shocks that I experienced on the chair.

The electricity she emitted felt... cold. It didn't burn like regular static did. Yet somehow, it still augmented her body enough to the point she was able to catch up with at least a half of my speed.

Alex at some point charged extra electricity into her fist and tried punching me. I stayed ready, and reacted by catching her punch and taking in the massive cold static that she emitted.

While Alex was busting giving me the shocked stare, I grabbed her arm and slammed her into the ground. Alex didn't give up that easily, and kept hold of my arm, throwing me at one of the walls.

I caught myself afloat and quickly turned invisible. This caught everybody off guard since I didn't show it to them the first time. Alex looked around to se where I had gone, but little did she know that I was right in front of her.

"It's already done." Zaina commented out loud. Since Alex didn't pay that much attention to her words in the first place I kicked her straight in the stomach and sent her tumbling onto the court.

It looked like she was actually done since her lightning grew dim. In the blink of an eye, I stood right in front of her, extending out a hand to help her up. "Are you okay Alex? I'm really sorry I ended up hurting you." I apologized.

I saw that she was about to take my hand for a second, but for some reason she paused, and helped herself get up as her electricity went out. "Whatever.." Alex walked away, slowly but surely recovering from my kick.

"Are you okay Alex?" Mage asked. "Shut up.." Alex looked away. "I told you that it wouldn't end up the way you thought it would be." Lele crossed her arms and clicked her tongue. "Oh yeah? Well why don't you try!" Alex argued.

"Nope. I'm not a dummy like you." Lele retorted. While those two started bickering and Leo and Mage tried to stop it, Lisanna walked up softly punched me on the shoulder.

"That was a really awesome fight! I didn't know you could turn invisible." Lisanna said curious. "Yeah, it's one of the other ability I kind of hid on the sly." I rubbed the back of my head.

"Well if you want, you can chill with us until it's time to head back inside. The others should be out her by tomorrow." Lisanna hinted. I looked at the others and saw that Zaina and Alex no longer argued, but they refused to look at each other.

When Leo and Mage saw me looking, they just smiled and waved. Therefore, I smiled and waved too. "I think I'd like that." I commented.

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