Chapter 2

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By the time we stepped out, I saw five kids that looked to be the same age as me outside. One had on a shiny white outfit that was similar to mine, but it didn't look normal. The boy was also set ablaze with blue fire from head to toe.

For some of reason, he was constantly punching and kicking the air at a high force and speed, clearly looking determined about something. I suggested frustration, but Don suggested power.

The others had on a normal white outfit, but this time they looked more humane. There was a girl with blue eyes and white hair who also had a tanned complexion playing with a basketball around the courtyard.

There was another girl on the edge of the court with clover green eyes and hair, along with a white skin complexion. It looked like she was playing watching ants march near the court.

I also caught a glimpse of a purple haired boy who wore a literal white mask that showed a wide smile. It was kind of creepy how he was leaning on the basketball pole watching the blue eyed girl playing basketball.

As for the fifth, it was a girl with brown hair, red eyes, and a white complexion. Another thing to add on was that I saw her watching birds in the middle of the court, but ran to me as soon as she saw me.

I backed away and held onto Salma's coat, hoping to not be hurt nor touched by the girl I didn't know. "Hey there! Are you new here?" She asked me. I was hesitant to answer, and I looked to Salma for an answer.

"It's okay, she wants to be your friend." Salma smiled and put her hand on my back. I then turned my focus back onto the girl. "I-I'm not new here.. but I haven't been outside before..." I answered nervously.

"Awesome! Well you're gonna love it out here. There's so many things to see and do, even if it's inside the walls!" She said excitedly, "My name is Lisanna by the way. What's yours?" She introduced.

"I uhm.. my name is Ajin." I replied. "That's a really cool name! Do you have a power?" She asked me. That was the part that scared me the most. I didn't want her to fear me too. My heart and head pounded harder and harder by the dot.

That was until Salma rubbed my back, and softly pushed me forward. "It's gonna be okay. You can tell her." Salma promised. "Uh.. my... I have a power called 'Superhuman'." I answered as I stepped forward less hesitantly.

"Woah, that sounds so cool! I can shoot lasers out of my eyes." Lisanna shot a laser out of her eyes towards the ground, leaving a visible burn on the concrete. After that, she just smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'll give you two some time to chat. If you need something, call me." Salma gave me a red button. I nodded to her conditions. "Alrighty then. Have fun kids!" Salma waved us goodbye and we waved her goodbye as well.

"You have really pretty gold eyes by the way." Lisanna complemented. "T-thank you." I blushed a little. "You have super pretty red eyes too." I fidgeted. "Oh thank you!" Lisanna said with no difficulty.

"So can you show me how your power works? I'm really curious." She looked at me longingly. "I uhm, I don't know..." I wasn't ready to show her my abilities. "Pleeeeeeaaaaaase." Lisanna pleaded desperately.

I didn't wanna disappoint her, and she did say please. "Alright then, stand back." I warned as I got on all fours. Then I noticed that all eyes suddenly laid on me. It's like they were waiting for me to prove myself.

The pressure was too much. I wanted to fold immediately and have a way out. Then I saw Don looking over me with his radiant dark purple eyes.

'Show them what you're made of. If they wanna watch, let's give them something to watch.' Don smirked. With a new set of confidence, I ran around the entire area in a flash.

I saw that the kids tried to keep track of me, but they were barely able to do so. By the time I stopped, I jumped super high in the air and started teleporting from wall to wall.

When I felt like I had enough of that, I revealed my red bodily aura, and threw a punch at the sky so hard that it destroyed a drone. Once I was done showing off some of my abilities, I looked back at a completely shocked Lisanna.

"Um... you okay...?" I hoped to God I didn't scare her. "THAT WAS SO COOL!!" Lisanna's face beamed. "What else can you do? Can you do more?!" She got closer and closer to my face.

"Maybe I'll show you later..?" I laughed nervously. "Okay!" Lisanna agreed. "Hey kid!" I heard someone call my name. It was the same blue eyed white haired girl that I saw playing basketball before, along with the masked boy.

They were walking towards me and Lisanna, making me a little nervous again. "Oh yeah! The one with blue eyes is alex. The boy with the mask is Mage." Lisanna introduced me to them.

"Hey." Alex greeted. "Sup." Mage bopped his head up. "H-hi. I'm Ajin." I introduced myself too. "Pleasure to meet you Ajin." Mage walked up and offered to shake my hand. So, I decided to take him up on that.

"Nice to meet you too." I reciprocated. "I gotta say, you're pretty fast." Alex mentioned. "And strong." Mage added. "Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways, you trynna spar?" Alex asked me suddenly. I didn't fully understand.

"Alex no. It's clear that he just got here, and he doesn't even know much about socializing. You can't just challenge him to a fight off the rip." Mage reasoned. "Wait, she wanted to fight me-?" I figured out what she meant, but Alex cut me off.

"Why? You afraid I'll lose or something?" Alex sounded offended. "You will lose." Someone else stated. It was the same girl that was watching the ants earlier. "I saw the fight for myself. You'll have a hard time beating him." The girl spoke.

"Shut up Zaina! You don't know what you're talking about." Alex retorted. "You can still fight him if you want, but it won't help you in the slightest." The girl named Zaina crossed her arms and shook her head.

"Sounds to me like you wanna fight too-" "Enough!" The blue fire boy yelled from the field. Once he walked onto the court, I saw that his flames began to disappear.

I was finally able to see his blue eyes, white complexion, and black hair. "None of you are going to fight him." The boy offered to shake my hand. I did so slowly, hoping to not have my hand burnt. He was warm, but not hot at all to say the least.

"I'm Leo by the way. You're name's Ajin right?" Leo asked. "Uh y-yeah!" I answered quickly. "Good. Now answer me this..." Leo put his hands together. "Do you wanna fight me instead?" Leo requested.

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