Chapter 11

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Ever since Nagima had told me the layout of the facility, I had been turning invisible, and teleported around the place on my down time. For some areas it was too risky, but as for the others, they were much easier to find.

Nagima pretty much told me all I needed to know. The comms would be the biggest problem since almost every single area would be surveyed by the cameras. Thank God I was able to find the room, but I wasn't told to break in yet.

If I was to break the cameras, Nagima suggested that it would be smart enough to do that once the clock hit midnight on the right day. They said that they overheard the guards talking about a 'staff clean out'.

From what I found out from Mage, that's when all of the adults lock us in and leave the building. And the adults said that wouldn't be happening until two more weeks passed by. Another thing that's funny, is that it's almost been a full two weeks since then.

And I've gotten much closer with the rest of the kids individually. The amount of time that we spent together in all, I couldn't calculate. But I do know that during such time, we couldn't stop laughing and playing with each other.

Today was no different of course, but there was also a twist. Me and Majin were racing again while the rest of my friends watched. Those consisted of Leo, Lisanna, Aria, Travis, Tenebris, Athena, and Nagima.

And to make a long story shorter, I actually ended up winning... again. Since this wasn't the first time I won after our first race, Majin's been working to the bone to find a way to grow faster. Still, even his best wasn't enough to beat me.

"Aw man! I was literally so close this time!" Majin uttered. "For real. I couldn't tell what happened to you two, but just by using Lisanna's ability, I can tell that you two are getting faster and faster somehow." Aria voiced.

"Well, that's not really as different from the last one." Travis yawned. "Yeah when are you gonna fight me again? I want a rematch!" Tenebris demanded. "Hey! At least you got a chance to fight him. I haven't!" Leo stated.

"Alright then, I'll fight you." I took a deep breath to calm my body and my nerves. "Oh?" Leo's attention was grabbed. "Relax hothead. You know he doesn't mean you of course." Tenebris shook his head.

Leo looked like he was about to say something, but gave up. "I actually was talking to hi-" "Fight me." Leo's mood shifted immediately. "Okay..?" I walked towards the outer grassy field near the walls and faced an eager Leo.

"Alright let's go!!" Leo ignited his entire body, and got into a fighting stance. I was already aware that this wasn't gonna be an easy battle. I got into a fighting stance and prepared for whatever was gonna come my way.

Once the fight started, Leo didn't hesitate to launch himself at me. He charged up his fists and swung at me. Just in time, I dodged his heated punch effortlessly. Little to my surprise, he used the flames from his feet to redirect himself back.

The same way he got ready to punch me, I also punched back while somehow englobing myself with my aura. I was careful not to use all of my strength, so he wouldn't be fatally injured, but it was still enough to cause a clash.

Flames and hot air waved around the yard without burning a single blade of grass. Leo jumped back suddenly, and looked at me mysteriously. I took a peek at myself too, and noticed that my aura was now red and blue.

"Woah, so what's with the colors?" Leo's fire raged. "I don't know.. but I think I'm getting stronger." While I was off guard, Leo launched fire balls at me. I was more than able to blitz through them all, but I wanted to show off a bit.

I dodged, rolled, and jumped over every single fireball he threw at me. One time midair though, he threw a fireball at me again. This time, I sliced right through it with my bare hands and dived at Leo. Not willing to give in, he spat fire at my face.

That wasn't enough to stop me though. I was still able to move through the blue oral flames, so without using too much of my strength, I punched him square in the face, but I noticed that my punch had some shock in it too.

Not able to process the situation mid fight, I was caught off guard when Leo recoiled from the blow and uppercutted me. In response to that, he and I had been moving, kicking, swinging, and punching all on the same spot.

Flames would be excreted from our heated fight almost by the second. I had an urge to boost up my power, but I didn't use a lot of it. As soon as I saw an opening, I kicked Leo in his stomach, launching him into the air.

Leo rolled and caught himself while up there before I threw a punch at him, but this time a fiery red and purple sphere left my fist. I was too shocked when that happened, but I decided not to question it and zoom towards Leo in the air.

We had begun throwing fire balls at each other midair. Especially after finding out I was even capable of doing that. It was amazing, but also questionable. Still, I wanted to end this fight quick.

I dashed towards Leo, and tackled him mid flight. After I got a hold of him, I dived down and threw him onto the ground. Then I proceeded to land on his limbs, making sure he wouldn't try anything. His fire was hot, but I regenerated quicker.

Soon, Leo dispelled his flames. "Aw man.. I was sure I was gonna win that one-" Leo was about to say, but all of a sudden, Omo came out of nowhere and entered the yard.

"Enough horseplay. The warden wants you all to head to the cafeteria." Omo said assertively. "Just remember that we still have cameras so no funny business!" Omo walked back inside.

We didn't know what that was about, but instead I just helped Leo get up, and we all walked inside towards a specific destination. "Something tells me we're in trouble.." Majin uttered.

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