Chapter 9

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I no longer waited at the door. Once I found out that Salma was forced to leave last night, I hadn't gotten a single wink of sleep. What's to add on top of that, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go outside if she wasn't gonna guide me there.

I was sitting on my bed in a cradled position, rocking back and forth eerily as my soft and silky bed began to make weakly developed creaking noises. It was getting a little annoying... yet oddly.. satisfying? Obviously not to Don though.

'Dude, Knock it off!' Don snapped, quickly grabbing my attention. Still, I barely listened. Don sighed aggravated. 'Listen, I get it. You're upset that she left and I understand, but that's no reason to keep making stupid noise!' Don complained.

All I did was blankly stare at him for a moment, and let him have a look at what was in my eyes. It was honest fear. It was fear and confusion swirled and mixed up inside of a ten year old's soul.

After that, I just looked back down and kept rocking. "Why do I even wanna go anywhere... I don't feel safe. I don't even know what to do now.." I said with a blank face. Don looked at me for a moment, and showed... pity.

'If you want, I'll take over for today. And this time, I'll try not to kill anyone. UNLESS, they try to hurt you or kidnap you. That's where I'll draw the line.' Don showed me sympathy.

This was actually a rare moment for me, since this barely happened at all. I didn't feel too comfortable letting him take control, but I wouldn't have time to think about it anyways.

I decided to let him take control and stood up off of the bed. By the time he merged with my body, everything felt different. It felt hot... but cold. I was still conscious and able to see and feel, but Don was in control of my body for the time being.

"Just let me know when you want control again." Don commented, hoping I heard him. 'Will do' I responded. Then all of a sudden, Omo just bursted into my room without permission with a remote in his hand.

"Alright now get up-" Omo was trying to demand me... but he wasn't really talking to me. He was talking to a being that could end his life in a split second if he wanted to. Omo was shocked, and almost dropped the remote out of fear.

"Tell me... what is that you're holding in your hand?" Don asked him, already wishing to tear him apart. "Uh Don-uhm.. I... I-I didn't know that-" "You listen to me..." Don walked forward.

"Whatever it is you're trying to do.." Don tapped on the remote to the point he broke it. My body was getting shocked to high heaven, but I didn't feel any pain.

"It won't work on us. So I suggest you don't try to piss me off today!" Don snarled. Omo's legs began to quake. Almost barely, but visibly enough. "M-my apologies.. uh-c-can I escort you-" "I'll do it myself." Don walked past him.

As we walked down the hall, we saw a long line of armed men who looked like they were about to shoot me, but in a single instance, Don put them all under a completely random, yet strong illusion, somehow killing them in the process.

Despite the pile of bodies that dropped before us, we carried on towards the entrance/exit. 'I thought you said you weren't gonna kill..?' I asked worriedly.

"As long as they don't do anything stupid of course. They just tried me." Don replied. I let him have that one as we stepped down the stairs. I was nervous to see what happened when he stepped out the door in my body, but at the same time curious.

When we stepped outside, I noticed that there were of course some familiar faces playing out on the grass like always. Six on the grass at least, but an extra seventh ran to us while a waving.

"Hello!" It was Lisanna who gave us a warm welcome. "Hey." Don greeted dryly. 'Hey uhm... is it too late to switch back..?' I asked him. "Uh-Ajin.. is your eyes okay?" Lisanna asked us. Without a moment's hesitation, me and Don switched.

I was able to feel everything in my body return to normal as I regained control. Don then expelled himself from my body. "What're you talking about?" I asked, acting clueless. "Your eyes... they were purple too." Lisanna commented.

I just kept giving her the clueless look, hoping that the subject would be forgotten by now. "Okay... so do you wanna join us? We're about to have a race and see who's gonna win!" Lisanna offered.

"Oh sure!" I ran with Lisanna to join the rest of the other six kids. Six of them sat on the ground in a circle, waiting for me to join. The ones that sat in said circle was Leo, Majin, Nagima, Alex, Mage, and Skyla.

"Oh hey Ajin! We're just about to see who's gonna challenge me to a race." Majin welcomed me. "I already made it clear to everyone here, that I'm gonna be the one challenging you." Alex declared.

"You've already done that countless times, let somebody else have a turn!" Leo commented. "Like Ajin?" Nagima implied. Everything looked at me and gave me a sharp stare. I didn't have to be psychic in order to know what was up next.

"I already know what everyone's going to ask him okay... and I gotta say this sounds like fun!" Lisanna was in on it. "Alright! Let's go Ajin!" Majin jumped up and left the circle, getting on all fours and ready to race.

I wanted to at least testify on this somehow, but I knew I didn't have a choice. Instead, I joined him  and got on all fours as well. 'We will talk about your feelings towards Lisanna later.' Don teased from the background.

I gave him the 'shut up' look, and focused on the race that was about to happen. "Alright, now we're gonna see who can run thirty laps the fastest!" Lisanna announced as Nagima carried her off of the ground.

"Let's do our best Ajin." Majin smiled at me. "Right!" I nodded and smiled back. "Now on your mark. Get set... go!!!" Lisanna started the race, and me and Majin took off in a blur and a flash.

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