Chapter 6

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And so tomorrow came. Today felt greater than most days since as of lately, not only was I taking a huge break from experiments, but I was making new friends on the daily at that point. The usual routine that I expected came to fruition.

I waited at the door for Salma to come and pick me up like usual, and she'd lead me to the front entrance/exit to go outside and meet my new friends. The same thing of course still applied, and happened.

On the way there would always be some new or old adults giving me weird or mean looks as we passed by. When it came to Salma, they started giggling. I couldn't help but feel bad for some reason.

By the time we got to the entrance, I stopped and pulled on Salma's arm right before we left the door. "Huh? What's wrong-" I immediately gave her a hug.

Whatever it was those other adults were laughing about, I didn't want it getting to her. "J-jinjin... what's the meaning of this..?" Salma sounded confused. "I just don't wanna see you sad today. That's all." I made up a half truth.

I was able to feel her tears streaming down my back as she returned the hug back to me. "You're the reason I do this Jinjin.." we both let go. Still, Salma had her eyes fixated on me.

"It doesn't matter what anyone says, you're not a monster. You're special. Don't let anyone tell you different." Salma spoke. For some reason, I started crying too. "Y-yeah.. okay." I sniffles and wiped my tears.

Salma brought out a portable wipe and cleaned my nose. Normally I would be feeling embarrassed to high heaven, because I WAS, but I decided to just let her. It felt like the right thing to do anyways.

"Now go out there and make some new friends." She allowed me to exit the door all by myself. "R-really?!" I was in disbelief. "Of course. I trust you well enough to do this by yourself. Just be good Jinjin!" Salma started walking away into the golden halls once more.

"Okay, let's do this!" I talked to myself. Once I had opened the door myself, I expected Lisanna to come up and greet me like last time per usual. But who did I catch instead? No one. Almost no one I knew was there, just five random kids.

"Sad you aren't able to see Lisanna?" Oh, and there was Mage too. Mage however was just leaning on the building wall. My guess was that he expected to come here... which actually made sense.

"W-well.. yeah?" I didn't know why, but I stuttered when I responded to his question. "Hm, well if it makes you feel better, you can see her all you want after today." Mage toned. "Oh? How do you know?" I grew curious.

Mage put a finger on his lips, and made the shhh sound that Salma always did whenever I had a hard time sleeping. "It's a secret. Just pretend I never told you, okay?" Mage whispered. I nodded slowly.

"Alrighty then. Since I'm the only here who's seen you since day one, I'll be the one to tell you their names." Mage pointed at each of the individual kids out on the court, or in the grass.

"For starters, you see that kid with the wings?" Mage pointed at the girl who sat by herself on the court's edge. She had shiny multi-colored wings, amethyst eyes, a white complexion, and brown and purple hair with white tips at the end. "Yes." I nodded. "That's Nagima." Mage named.

"Next up is her. See that girl playing with the basketball?" Mage pointed at the girl with sky blue hair, ocean blue eyes, and a white complexion. "Yes." I nodded again. "That's Skyla." Mage named again.

"And then we have those two. The two girls sitting and talking to each other in the grass. See them?" Mage pointed. One of them had a brown complexion, red hair, and very unique eyes. The colors on both looked split apart. Right side white, and left side black.

As for the other girl, she looked more anti-social. Her hair was rough, but also pure white. Unlike her associate, she had a white complexion too. One thing that stood out... was also her eyes.

 was also her eyes

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"Yeah. I see them." I nodded once more. "The white haired girl is Athena, and the red haired girl is Aria." Mage listed. "Okay. Is there any more powered kids I should know about?" I asked.

"No, you've seen us all. Otherwise, the facility would be much bigger." Mage uttered. "Yeah, you're right." I agreed. Moments later, the kid named Skyla ran up to us with a basketball in her hand.

"Heya Mage! Who is this?" Skyla looked at me with curious look. "This is Ajin. He's been here for a while, but he's new to the outdoors." Mage spoked for me. "Oh! Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Skyla by the way." Skyla threw the ball away.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you too." I shook her hand. "So what do you want to do?" Skyla asked me. "Well..." I looked around to see if there was anything else we could do, but instead my focus was caught by Nagima.

She was sitting all alone... I couldn't allow that. "Hold on a second." I walked over to Nagima, and sat right beside her. "Who are you..?" Nagima side-eyed me. "I'm Ajin. I'm a new addition to the outdoors." I borrowed Mage's words.

"Hm, so you know what they do here.. right?" Nagima asked me, bringing back some old memories. "Y-yeah... I know it all too well." I looked down for a moment as my tone shifted. Nagima showed a small sign of empathy.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I do too." Nagima tried reassuring me. "I just can't stand it here. Don't you ever feel like you wanna get out of here.. and be out there?" She pointed over the walls.

"Yeah, but they said that it's dangerous out there." I countered. "Well yeah, but so is this place if we continue to live in it... if you can even call it living." Nagima emphasized. She then turned to me and extended a hand, with a different tone in place.

"I'm Nagima by the way." She let me in on info that I basically already knew. "It's nice to meet you Nagima!" I said with enthusiasm. Then I heard footsteps walking towards us from the grass.

I looked and saw that it was Athena and Aria, walking towards us. Their eyes however, fixated on me. Athena looked shy, but Aria took on a bold facial expression. "Hey kid. Are you new here?" Aria asked me.

"Outdoors, yes. To this place, no." I summed up quickly. "Good, just don't let this one could your mind. They're full of ideas." Aria glanced at her. Nagima grumbled at her statement, clearly angered by her words.

"Wait.. what do you mean they?" I asked. "Oh, they didn't tell you yet?" Aria puzzled. "You do know that I can tell him myself, right?" Nagima stared. Aria raised her hands and backed off.

"So to sum it up... I have another power that makes me into either a boy or a girl." Nagima's appearance shifted, but their features stayed the same. Now they just looked like a boy version of themself. "Like this for example." Nagima demonstrated.

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