Chapter 15

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I was angry. I was so so angry. Yet as angry as I was, I was still conscious to know what to do. I ripped off my sleeves, and tightly surrounded her hips with the ripped fabric, hopefully stopping the bleeding.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I heard Mage apologizing, while the others awaited my reaction to his apology. I didn't know what they wanted me to really do to him, but my feelings already told me what.

I stared directly into Mage's soul, and let him know exactly what would be happening as soon as I was able to separate the injured Lisanna from my torso

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I stared directly into Mage's soul, and let him know exactly what would be happening as soon as I was able to separate the injured Lisanna from my torso. With her arms still attached to me, limped over to the others and forced her off.

"No... please.." Lisanna pleaded for me to stay. "Don't talk." I touched her cheek for a second, and stood up. "Ajin. If you need our help, we got you." Majin and Nagima let a hand on my shoulders. "No. I'll do this myself." I turned around and walked towards the others.

"I'm going to give some of you a chance. Either back off... or you're going to regret everything you've done up until now." I looked at them all with eyes that sheathed malice and hostility. I was able to tell, their eyes reflected pure fear.

I noticed that Athena began to back up alongside Skyla. Travis looked like he was about to say something, but I wasn't gonna have that. I flicked at him, and the air pressure was launched right at his forehead.

Somehow, Aria was fast enough to shift the ground into a small wall of metal to protect Travis. I took a moment to process this and realized there was a chance she had the same ability as Majin and Mage.

It didn't really matter to me, I was going to make sure that they either slept in peace, or that they submitted to me. 'Planning to kill them?' Don asked, right beside them. I lightly shook my head. 'Well if you need me, just know I'll be waiting.' Don said before backing up.

I clenched my fists and finally began to reveal my aura. It felt.. different. My outer aura was red, but the one touching my skin was blue. It felt stronger, more powerful, and... shocking. I noticed that I had a small surge of electricity move around my body. This made things look easier for me.

I got into my fighting position, ready to pick my first victim. As Leo, Alex, Travis, Aria, and Mage got ready to fight, I wanted to strike first. So when he least expected it, I dashed and punched Leo in his stomach, knocking him all the way into the wall with a CRASH.

He was out cold, his flame began to grow dim again. This was something that I'm pretty sure shocked everybody. After looking at me crazy for a few seconds, Travis summoned all six of his clones to jump me.

While that happened, Alex thought it would be a good idea to run up on me at the same time. To make things worse for them, I grabbed her by the arm and started swinging her body at the clones with ease, destroying all of the clones.

As soon as I threw Alex's body at Travis, he summoned another clone to come out and catch her unconscious body with the quickness. Aria ran up on me, but I teleported behind Travis just in time to kick him in the back.

As he tumbled across the ground, I raised my foot up in the air, teleported to him, and drop kicked him in his back. He became mentally absent as well. Mage made the golden ground turn into spikes under my feet, but none of them broke through my skin.

If anything, I was able to break them just by moving. Aria and Mage started forcing pillars at me to see if I would fall. Instead of me falling down, the moving pillars of gold broke down instead once they hit me.

I'm guessing that's when they decided to grow a brain, and turned all of the gold in the room into Neon. Thankfully, I was able to stay afloat off of my feet. This gave me an advantage of sorts.

Just a second later, multiple small and fast moving bullets of Neon were shot at me from all sides. Not letting any of them hit me, I flew around the entire room in order to escape the Neon bullets.

The longer and longer this went on, the more fed up I became. I was feeling anger, negativity, everything was starting to stockpile into something else... stress. Wanting to let my stress out, I unleashed my aura upon the entire arena.

The bullets were quickly stopped and pushed back. Anything that was bigger than a bullet with Neon.. didn't hurt that much. I was feeling my animosity the same way this all started, but my stress was decreasing more and more.

Aria and Mage couldn't tell what was going on, but then I saw Mage coat both of his hands with Neon. He began to charge something with both of his hands. Then, spots and places of the room began to light up as well.

It was energy. Energy that was about to be directed towards me. I knew I couldn't out fly the speed of light, so I knew I was running low on options. Then just from the Neon bullets, I had an idea.

I focused my aura into both of my arms and threw a punch at both Mage and Aria. My aura shot out of my hands at a speed that could possibly become similar to light, knocking Mage clean out. Aria on the other hand, was able to dodge.

Still, I could tell that she wasn't planning on fighting me anymore. Especially when she knew that it was a lost cause. I descended onto the ground and looked at her eye to eye.

"You're not my priority anymore." I turned around and walked towards the exit door. "They are." I knew there were guards on the other side.

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