Chapter 13

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Just like that, the night passed on into morning. I of course got up and made myself get cleaned up like always, but something stayed on my mind while I did all of that... why? Why would Zaina tell me inside? It didn't make sense.

Even after I was cleaned up, I still had that thought on my mind. I kept pondering on why she would say such a thing though. Did something happen at dinner? Will something happen today? I didn't know!

'You look frustrated.' Don noticed. "I am. I don't know why she said that.. I'm really having a hard time thinking about this." I said frustrated, but mentally exhausted. 'Well whatever you do, don't let your head explode.' Don made exploding noises.

"Still, it shouldn't be that hard to go through with what she said right? I mean, why else would I..." I began to think about Lisanna walking me to my room last night. It felt so weird but... it felt so exciting.

'You're thinking about her again.' Don voiced. "S-shut up!!" I screamed. 'Listen, if you like her, then you should just say that. You saw how jealous she was at dinner.' Don implied. "Wait, she was jealous?!" I asked, surprised.

Don smacked himself in the face and looked at me hopelessly. 'Listen, we both know how you really feel towards her. Just tell her that you have feelings for her. It's that simple.' Don told me.

"Yeah but.. we just met. Won't she think that's weird?" I puzzled. 'I promise you dude. If she did, she wouldn't be acting this way towards you.' Don assured me. I took a deep breath and flipped myself onto the bed.

"I guess I'll just stay here today, and not see her... and the others.." I started to think about it, but I shook my head and stuck to it. That's when a major test of self discipline began. It took almost everything within me, to not beg my way out.

I mean, I was more than capable enough to bust down the door, but I've been doing so well these past few weeks, I didn't wanna ruin it for myself. That, and I didn't wanna scare anybody. Don still didn't see the point in that.

Either way, this had been going on for hours upon hours upon hours to time's end. I'd been waiting so long that I couldn't even take a nap anymore. I was too anxious and wide awake for that. What's to add is that it also hit nighttime.

'Good job Ajin. You made it to nighttime. I'm proud of you.' Don threw a thumbs at me, and I nodded at him. I was too sad and clouded by the thoughts of my friends to even say anything back. All of a sudden, the front door opened by itself.

Then the speakers came on, telling us to get out of our rooms, and head to the arena. Apparently this was my first time hearing of it, but I felt like I could figure it out. And the day was basically over, so I doubted Zaina was talking about this.

Once I walked out of my room and down the hall, I saw no adults in sight. Not one was in my line of vision. It seemed so peculiar to me, so strange, yet so amazing. I was finally able to walk through the halls without anyone staring at me.

Then when I crossed the corner, I saw Lisanna heading towards the same direction that I was going. I ran up to her and tapped her on the back. She jolted for a moment, but gave me a big hug when she saw that it was me.

"You also got called too?" Lisanna asked me. "Yeah, and you?" I mimicked. "I did, but what is going on??" Lisanna didn't have a clue. "I don't know.. but I just hope it's nothing bad." I hoped.

"Well then, let's go. It's probably just another surprise waiting for us." Lisanna walked along. "Y-yeah. That's right!" I walked with her, holding onto a new set of hope. As we walked closer and closer towards the arena, I wanted to hold hands.

As if by instinct itself, I immediately grabbed a hold of her hand and squinted my eyes in case she shot lasers at me. Instead she did the exact opposite. She loosened my grip a little, and leaned on me the entire way there.

That's when I forgot why we were out in the first place. I was feeling so happy, I was gonna confess. "Hey uhm, Lis. can I tell you something..?" I questioned. She looked at me with cute red eyes, waiting for me to ask.

"W-will you.. be my-" "Oh wait, we're here!" Lisanna pointed at a big door that was labeled 'arena'. I became disappointed that I couldn't confess, but I figured that there was always next time. We saw all of our friends there.

Literally all of them either sat, or stood up at the center. When they saw us, they all walked up to us and welcomed us. And like the good friends we were, we returned the favor in kind. Zaina just looked at me and shook her head.

"You shouldn't have come." Zaina looked away. "Huh? Sis why would you say that, he's our friend." Majin stated. "Which is exactly why she wanted him to stay back." Tenebris intervened. "Huh? Do you two know something??" Mage asked suspiciously.

That's when the speakers turned on again. This time, I listened carefully. 'HELLO KIDS! It's a lovely night isn't it? Well it's gonna get even more lovelier than that I promise you.' The speaker said in joy.

'For those that don't know me, I'm the warden. The same warden that you want to escape.' My heart skipped as soon as I heard that.

'YUP! I know about your sneaky little plans. After last time, I installed cameras EVERYWHERE. Meaning I heard what you two planned to do... Nagima, Lis, and Ajin!' The speaker said aggressively.

'But it's okay. I have proposition for the rest of you. If you can just kill those three, the rest of you can leave this place. If not, well... good luck getting past the guards. AND ME!!!' The warden disconnected.

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