Chapter 11: I Remember

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I Remember

VA Building, NYC.

Sam pulled into an empty parking spot outside what looked like a police station on the upper East side. Darla took a moment to assess the building while Sam killed the engine and stepped out of the truck.
"What are we doing here?" Darla asked as she climbed out of the passenger seat.

"This used to be a police station but when they built a new one in the area a few years back they donated this one to the veterans help society," Sam explained as the pair began to walk up the walkway to the doors.
"Okay, but why are we here, and why do you have keys?" Darla asked as he began to open the doors.
"I run the program back in D.C. I have a set because the other head of the program and I take turns running classes in both buildings depending on the town we're in." He explained as he opened the door for Darla to enter.

Darla narrowed her eyes at Sam for a minute. He still hadn't explained why they were there but nonetheless, she went inside. If Steve trusted him, and she trusted Steve. Then that meant she could trust him too.
"I just wanted to show you a little bit of what I do. Steve always rags on me because I keep turning down his offer to be an Avenger but I'm perfectly content helping other vets cope with their time overseas." He explained as they walked through the empty halls of the lit building. Darla nodded at Sam and took the time to read some of the plaques and boards in the corridor. Sam lead her into a room with a couch and a few magazines.

"This is where I normally bring people for more private meetings. Some of them don't really feel comfortable talking in big groups so I do one on ones in here with them. It's an old interrogation room, so the huge mirror you see on the wall is actually a window into the next room." He explained.

Darla assessed the room. There was a black leather couch to the left of the door against the wall and love seat against the far wall from her. In between them in the corner was a tan table with a plant on it that matched the coffee table in the middle of the room. There was a small desk in the corner with a metal chair and the walls were a blue-grey and against the wall to the right was a big glass mirror. 

Darla stepped into the room and looked at the magazines on the table.
"These range so drastically." Darla pointed out with a chuckle as she browsed the titles.
"Well people like different things," Sam said as his phone started to buzz. He pulled it out of his pocket and his face dropped. "Hey, I've got to take this do you mind?" He asked her quickly.
"No, take your time!" Darla said as she picked up a fashion magazine and sat down on the couch.
"Thank you," Sam said as he left the room and pulled the door closed behind him.

Darla began to flip through the magazine. She laughed to herself at some of the things in the magazine that she saw. She heard the sound of a door opening in the room on the other side of the glass from her and assumed it was Sam because he told her that the building was empty. She flipped through some more pages as the light in the other room turned on which made the illusion of the mirror from the glass disappear. In her peripherals and saw  him moving around and began to speak to him as she's flipping through a magazine.
"You know, there's a fair share of styles that I enjoy that would not have flown in the 40s, but some of the things people count as 'fashion' these days really make me question the evolution of people while I was under," Darla said with a smirk, eyes glued to the page.

"Yeah, I ask myself the same question all the time." The voice that replied to her was not Sam's. It made her hair stand on end as her grin quickly disappeared. Darla looked up from the magazine and locked eyes with Bucky who was standing on the other side of the glass. Darla's mind went blank she stood up and stepped up onto the table then launched herself at the glass to try and attack him with a cry.

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