Chapter 12: Worthy

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Sometime later the Party deck had completely filled with people. War veterans, Scientists, people who worked in the building, Shield agents, Models, Celebrities, And old friends of other Avengers who could make it, not to mention plus ones made up most of the crowd.

Everyone at the party that Darla had known was spread out among the crowds. Thor was playing pool with some vets, Tony was entertaining some models and celebrities, Maria just kept popping in and out of places and Darla couldn't keep track of her. She noticed that Natasha ended up behind the bar most of the night making people drinks and Darla thought that maybe she was using it as an excuse to hang out with Bruce quietly as he stuck with her all night. Darla noticed Helen Cho sticking to Thor most of the night. Clint also was hard to keep track of, She kept noticing him and Rhodey disappearing and reappearing.

As for Darla, she was bouncing between groups, introducing herself to, and meeting people. She'd spend roughly a half hour with every member of the members of the team that she could find except for Steve who she was avoiding like the black plague because he was walking around with Sam and she was still mad at him.

At one point she made herself a drink and moved out to the flight deck to have a smoke. Once outside there were several other people who were attending the party that were out there also and standing in small groups. Darla was very grateful that she had this opportunity to get to know everyone better but she needed a breather, so she went and stood off to the far side alone and looked over New York's skyline.

While she was having a smoke, she noticed someone approach on her right and lean on the railing. She finished her thought and then turned her attention to look at who it was, only to be met with the gaze of Sam. Darla rolled her eyes.

"Yes?" She asked as she tossed her smoke off the tower and crouched to pick up her drink she'd put down to light her smoke.
"Oh, she speaks!" Sam exclaimed at her with a small chuckle.
"Sam, what do you want?" Darla asked in a bitter voice as she turned her body to look at him before taking a sip of her whisky and coke. Sam sighed.
"I was gonna take off and saw you come out here on my way to the elevator so I figured I'd come apologize before I left." He explained to her. Darla contemplated telling him to go fuck himself for a moment but decided if she was going to forgive Steve then she at least had to attempt to forgive Sam. She took another sip of her drink.
"I'm listening." She said to him. Sam nodded a bit.
"Look. Steve told me about what was going on and what Bruce said and I came up with the idea to bring you to the VA building. I wanted to help both you and Bucky and I didn't think about how negatively it could have affected you. Steve and I are lucky that it went the way it did. I just want you to know that there were other ways to go about it and I'm sorry we didn't do this properly." He said honestly. Darla softened, she averted her gaze for a second.
"Thank you for apologizing Sam. It means a lot." She told him honestly.
"We cool?" He asked her with a small smile.
"I'm still kind of mad about it I won't lie, but yes. Your intentions were good you just weren't thinking." She reasoned to him and herself. Sam nodded at the floor solemnly with a small smile.
"Cool, alright I'll catch you later." He said as he pushed himself off the railing. "You look nice tonight by the way." He said with a smile as he left her.
"Darla replied as she turned around and leaned on the railing to watch Sam leave. Once the door closed behind him she looked up at the remaining 13 floors of the building from the flight deck and the party that was happening when she caught glimpse of Steve who gave her a small wave with Thor. She waved back with a chuckle.

The party had died down at a little after two. Everyone who wasn't in the core group had left but that didn't mean that the party was over. Tony had ordered Chinese for everyone and they all sat around a square table in a small section of the large sitting area on the party deck having a laugh, except for cho who'd passed out on the couch beside Darla who was sitting between her and Natasha on the couch. Tony and Rhody had sat on the next table over facing her because it was easier than moving a table out of the way and turning a couch.
Bruce was sitting adjacent on the couch that Clint was leaning against having a quiet conversation with Nat, The pair had been glued to each other all night. Darla focused on the louder conversation at hand.

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