Chapter 29: Vengeance Pt.2

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Tony stared at the screen with glossy eyes, and his bottom lip began to tremble. Steve stared at Tony in concern and Bucky stood there feeling as equally guilty as he looked. Suddenly Tony moved to lunge at Bucky who took a step back and moved to raise the gun at him. Steve reached forward and held Tony back.

"No, Tony," Steve pleaded with guilt and regret in his tone. Tony slowly turned his attention from Bucky to look at Steve. Tony looked at the ground in contemplation for a moment then looked up at Steve as Pain and betrayal filled his expression.
"Did you know?" Tony asked. Steve hesitated.
"I didn't know it was him." He said carefully as he lied through his teeth.
"Don't you bullshit me, Rogers." He growled as he shoved Steve off of him. "Did. You. Know?" He asked as his face contorted into rage. Steve searched Tony's eyes for a moment and prepared himself for whatever was about to happen next.

"Yes," Steve replied simply as he held his breath. Tony took a step back from Steve feeling completely betrayed and it was written all over his face, his heart was broken it was like Tony didn't know who Steve was anymore. He nodded a few times and attempted to keep himself calm he looked back at the monitor for a moment and took a breath but rage won over logic. Before Steve even had a moment to react Tony punched Steve in the face knocking him back several feet.

Bucky raised the gun to him and Tony shot it out of his hand. Bucky looked at it for a moment before turning his attention back to Tony and swinging at him with his metal fist. Tony caught it with his own metal arm and squeezed as his helmet moved back over his head. With his free hand, he grabbed Bucky by the throat and launched off the ground causing Bucky to let out a panicked scream as Tony slammed him into the ground. Tony got up and stood on Bucky's metal arm holding it down as he powered up to shoot Bucky in the face. Suddenly Steve's shield hit Tony's suit distracting him which caused Bucky to be able to move out of the way of his shot.

Tony turned his attention toward Steve and stood up as Steve threw the shield again which caused Tony to fly back a few feet. Tony stared at the two of them for a moment than using his foot thrusters, launched himself at Steve knocking him backward away from Bucky once more. In a rage, he launched restraints at Steve's ankles immobilizing him before turning his attention back to his parents' murderer just as he got up and started throwing punches at Tony with his metal arm.

Once again Tony grabbed Bucky by the throat and flew them both up and into the wall. He held Bucky off the ground with one hand and began to punch at him with the other. Bucky attempted desperately to fight Tony off as he powered up his hand laser once more. Bucky grabbed Tony by the fist with his metal arm and yanked it back then turned it toward Tony and crushed the glove causing the laser to malfunction and break. Tony tried to pull his arm free but Bucky wouldn't let him, so instead Tony attempted to send an explosive into Bucky not caring that it would damage himself severely at this short range. Luckily Bucky redirected his hand just as Tony activated them sending the rockets to hit one of the large Cryo Tank systems instead as an explosion rang through the bunker.

Steve broke free of the restraints and ran to help Bucky just as the Cryo tank system began to crash down around them in a fiery blaze that threw debris at the men which caused Tony to drop Bucky and dodge out of the way. However it was too late, and a large piece of the tank system landed on Tony and other debris landed on Steve and Bucky. For a moment all three of them lay on the ground with a groan, then Steve and Bucky both got up and locked eyes.

"Run! Get out of here!" Steve yelled. Bucky paused for a moment and looked for his nearest escape route then ran for it. Suddenly Tony flew over the rubble and attempted to fire some more shots at Bucky who dodged the blows narrowly and escaped. Tony attempted to go after him but Steve jumped in his way.

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